Thursday, July 3, 2008

Perilous Times In Malaysia

Perilous Times In Malaysia

3 July, 2008

Allegations of a sexual nature made against Malaysian opposition politician Anwar Ibrahim are kindling in the nation's charged atmosphere. He would be finished off politically should sodomy charges, if laid, be prosecuted successfully. What is frightful to contemplate is what this might lead to if the opposition Pakatan Rakyat alliance, which he leads, and sceptical Malaysians press their case on the streets and in cybersphere that he has been the victim of a fresh plot to neuter him.

He calls the allegations a conspiracy. The government has denied charges that it is out to discredit him. The Pakatan has put about its reckoning that it is within touch of capturing the government by arranging defections of ruling Barisan Nasional MPs. This could be tactical bravado. It could be real. No one can be sure in a scenario of vaulting ambitions. Under these circumstances, the risk of an upheaval is magnified even if a prosecution was shown to be well founded. Either way, Malaysia is facing peril.

"The negative implication that this could carry is itself a measure of dwindling public trust in state institutions."

Anwar has made his own kindling-like allegations against the Attorney-General and the Inspector-General of Police of fabricating a case against him 10 years ago that also concerned sodomy. This was before the two men attained their current ranks. (A conviction was secured but was overturned on appeal.)

If an independent investigation is ordered and the matter reaches the courts, a judgment that goes against the nation's chief prosecutor and top law-enforcement officer would have profound implications for the rule of law. Few Malaysians would expect the matter to be taken that far, however. The negative implication that this could carry is itself a measure of dwindling public trust in state institutions. Besides the law-enforcement agencies being criticised by citizens fearful for their safety in the face of violent crime, the criminal justice system and the courts are facing a crisis of credibility. An inquiry into improper judicial appointments and a High Court judge's stunning accusations of judicial interference by ex-prime minister Mahathir Mohamad have reinforced a deepening sense that there is much to be put right.

These are only the newest aggravating distractions the government of Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi is facing. It is still coping with the effects of the election setback with much-needed policy changes in social programmes, and in political manoeuvring to ward off a revolt within its own ranks in Sabah and Sarawak. It cannot be said to have satisfied all sections of the public that it has had the measure of the situation. These are difficult times. For Malaysia's sake, it is to be hoped the latest Anwar cycle is got through without rancour. Malaysians would welcome a period of governing stability and renewed hope to cope with the many adversities, not all of which are of their own making. (The Straits Times/ ANN)

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