Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Anwar saga in the grapevine

More Updates On Anwar Saga From The Rumour Mills
1 July, 2008

And yes, the rumor about Anwar being a target of assasination is also credible. But, it is a last option and will only be invoked when it's really necessary.

" 8.0 Apparently, Anwar knows that Saiful is a mole for UMNO. But Anwar wanted to use Saiful Bukhari to feed UMNO with deceiving information. And apparently, Anwar thinks that his plan has worked well, until the sodomy report that is. That is why pictures of Saiful with UMNO leaders were so quickly exposed to the public.

9.0 Saiful, felt that he's being used by Anwar and feeling like he has been made a fool out of, decided to act in this way. He wants to prove to Anwar that he is not that easy to be duped.

10.0 Apparently, Saiful has been scolded for feeding bad intel to UMNO. So, he has to redeem himself in this way."

As we all know in Malaysia's politics, the rumors we hear are more credible than what is officially reported in the papers. I've been bombarded with so many messages and i feel i'd like to share them with you. I also like to thank those whom has provided me with these information.

1.0 It seems many UMNO leaders and BN leaders are caught by surprise. They never expected such thing to happen to Anwar at all. It seems that the entire operation has been planned and carried out in total secrecy even from most of UMNO leaders. That's why now you see many UMNO leaders are being as quiet as a church mouse on this particular issue.

2.0 It's also reported to me that 80% of UMNO leaders disagree with this particular move. They think it's stupid and it has been a failure the first time around. Many of UMNO leaders stil cannot forget the bitterness of having to faced the Malay people the first time ANwar got accused of sodomy. UMNO leaders were treated like lepers and they remembered not being able to sleep at night for fear of their lives and their families life. They also remembered how even their closest family would cancel invitations of them to weddings and family functions. In fact, they didn't enjoy very much being a leper.

3.0 Ezam Mat Nor has been sending SMS all around denying any involvement. But, another source tells me that it was Ezam who brought Saiful Bukhari to see Najib Tun Razak. It seems that Ezam has a mole in his "band of misfits". Ezam's plan to do a statutory declaration is leaked to the public and now he may have to cancel it.

4.0 Also, he saw from the initial reactions, this particular bandwagon is doomed to fail. So, his plan to accuse Anwar publicly and to support this move had to be shelved. It would mean political suicide for him and his group regardless, especially when majority of UMNO leaders disagree with this move.

5.0 Apparently, UMNO has learnt that only about 6% of Malays believes Anwar is guilty of sodomizing Saiful Bukhari. Which means that only UMNO die hards and hardcores buys this "crap". The rest of Malaysians who still maintains their sanity could not swallow the story of a 61 year old man who had undergone a spine operation can "violate" a 23 healthy boy? It just doesn't compute.

6.0 Many UMNO MP's who was atas pagar now are inclined to join PR. The recent incident only makes UMNO unpopular among rural Malays, which is UMNO's last bastion of support. The urban voters are gonner for UMNO and BN due to the recent oil spike. The Anwar accusation of sodomy will destroy UMNO support amng kampung people.


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