Monday, June 2, 2008

You were wrong, Einstein, we CAN travel to the past

You were wrong, Einstein, we CAN travel to the past

Published Date: 31 May 2008
A Yorkshire scientist has discovered how to "boldly go where no man has gone before" – and in the process claims to have disproved Albert Einstein.

Selwyn Wright, a former Professor of Physics at Huddersfield University and Nasa scientist, said yesterday he had discovered how to travel to the other side of the galaxy.

What's more, his new research into the theory of relativity shows that man can actually visit the past to meet one's ancestors or slow down the ageing process by taking a trip through interstellar space at high speed.

But sadly for those wanting to re-create the film Back to the Future, Prof Wright said those time travelling can only look, and not interact, with the past because they will only have caught up with light waves now located far, away.

Prof Wright analysed Einstein's concept of special relativity for a new book in which he lays out exactly how the great scientist was wrong. Einstein believed space was empty, containing no ether that could transmit light. But now the existence of satellites and GPS systems proves the existence of ether.

Prof Wright said: "It has been a rule of science that you can't go faster than light but I have now found that you can instead bypass it.

"Using the concept of a propagating medium, or ether, which Einstein said didn't exist, you can in fact do something called moving across frames, which actually allows you to appear to be exceeding the speed of light. That will allow people to get across the universe... "

Prof Wright's book Problems With Einstein's Relativity? is now available from and will be in bookshops shortly.

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