Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Can A Murderer Go To Heaven?

What do we believe? Do we believe in Heaven? If we do, then definitely we must believe in Hell! If we don't believe in either, then we can say we don't believe in one of the big 4 religions in this world. That is to say, we believe in annihilism, death in this life is final, no afterlife, no rebirth, no reincarnation, no heaven and hell. Period.

If a person believes so, then morality in this life must set in, otherwise he/she can do whatever he/she wants in this life (stealing, killing another human being, committing adultery, lying, etc) so long that he/she thinks that he/she will not be caught or thinks that there will not be enough evidence to prove him/her guilty in court. There is still a question for that person: how will he/she sleep?

On the other hand, for another person who truly believes that he/she is a Christian, a Muslim, a Hindu or a Buddhist, then they will believe that a murderer will not go to heaven. Praying to God, Allah or any other god/s will not help. Unless God or Allah or their god/s forgive them? How? Confess, repent and accept punishment while still alive in this world? You have to help yourself first before He can help you.

Fools think that committing a crime is alright if they are not caught doing it. Isn't there a Supreme Being up there Who knows what they have done? Do they themselves not know what they did or did not do? Not admitting their crime is adding another crime to their name: LYING! Lying may not be punishable by earthly law sometimes, but it pulls you nearer to hell.

A person has died using an explosive (C4) only the military can use. Who killed her? Only the murderer/s know themselves. What have they done? They have taken a daughter away from her parents, deprived a baby from his mother's love. A living being exploded to pieces while still alive, in Malaysia, a pretty religious country! Our compassion to the family of an unfortunate victim.

Do I know who the murderers are? Do I believe the contents of the Statutary Declaration made by Raja Petra? I don't have to guess who did it. God/Allah already know who did it. The murderers know who did it. The family of the victim wants to see justice and justice WILL be served.

May the people who did the act of exploding another living being to pieces, repent to your God or Allah or whoever gods you pray to. Even if no one else know who did it, you yourself were there to see yourself doing it. If Hell is eternal, accept the relative short punishment of this worldly law. All can be forgiven only when one repents. This is possible only by Him. This is no curse. It is only compassion for all beings. No body wants anyone to go to Hell.

May you have the courage to go to Heaven.

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