Saturday, May 17, 2008

PKR man: Unhappy BN parties should pull out

Sunday May 18, 2008 MYT 12:06:05 PM

PKR man: Unhappy BN parties should pull out


IPOH: Barisan Nasional component parties unhappy with Umno should pull out of the coalition and join Pakatan Rakyat, a Perak Parti Keadilan (PKR) Youth leader said.

At a public forum here on Saturday night, Perak PKR Youth Information deputy chief Chang Lih Kang said there were Barisan parties that shared the same views as PR on issues like abolishing draconian laws, and the fair and equitable treatment of all races.

However Umno, as the dominant party in the coalition, did not endorse their views, he said. Chang, who is also Teja assemblyman, said it was high time they re-considered their political positioning.

By joining Pakatan Rakyat, they would not only have the opportunity to realise their policies, they could also end the era of racial politics in Malaysia, he said.

“There is nothing wrong in switching parties if the political party you are in is no longer moving in the direction you want,” he said.

Chang's proposal came in the midst of persistent talk that some Barisan MPs will cross over to Pakatan Rakyat.

He was speaking at the forum entitled The move towards a two-party system -- how are young politicians making changes? organised by the Youth wing of the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall held at Yuk Choy Old Boys Association Building here.

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