Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mukhriz, ask your father to answer first, lah

Mukhriz, ask your father to answer first, lah

May 22, 2008

Posted by Haris Ibrahim

Good question, Jerlun.

Malaysiakini reports today that during Zaid’s speech in Parliament today, ‘new broom sweeps clean’ Mukhriz interrupted to query about Zaki Azmi’s meteoric rise to the No.2 position in the judiciary.

Yes, why indeed was Zaki appointed Court of Appeal president over the heads of so many other more experienced judges? That, too, after doing a hop, step and jump straight into the Federal Court.

Don’t ask Zaid to answer this, though. Zaki ascended to where he is now well before Zaid was appointed Law Minister.

Ask Pak Lah and Nazri Aziz.

Perhaps, though, your dad could first explain why he appointed Fairuz over the top of the head of the more senior and more experienced late Justice Abdul Malek Ahmed.

We all know your dad suffered a serious loss of memory at the RCI hearing, but he seems to have got his wits together again of late.

Do let us know if he is now able to recall his reasons for appointing Fairuz.

The rakyat have a few more pressing questions for him to answer.

Might as well get answers to these before he lapses into forgetfulness again.

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