Saturday, May 3, 2008

Karpal Singh to move motion on HINDRAF

Malay Indian MP to move motion on HINDRAF leader's medical condition
Malaysia Sun
Saturday 3rd May, 2008

Kuala Lumpur, May 3 : Karpal Singh, the Malay Indian Member of Parliamentb representing the Bukit Gelugor constituency, has said that he will move a motion on Tuesday to discuss HINDRAF leader P. Uthayakumar's medical condition.

He said the motion would be moved under Standing Order 18(2).

"Uthayakumar is one of the five HINDRAF leaders detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) and he is suffering from a serious heart condition which requires immediate medical attention," The Star quoted Karpal, as saying.

Singh also said that an echocardiogram on Uthayakumar found that his heart muscle had been damaged.

Karpal Singh urged the House to consider Uthayakumar's plight as the latter has the right to be brought to the National Heart Institute or any private hospital of his choice to be treated for his heart ailment.

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