Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Defending The Defence Counsel

Defending The Defence Counsel

14 May, 2008

Who touched the Privileges of the Rulers in the first place? Not YB Karpal or any of the Rakyat. It was UMNO and even the then DPM

By K W Waran

I am writing this letter knowing fully well that I am unduly inviting brickbats from all those quarters who want him, The Cleanest Legal Icon Of This Nation, in jail today or even yesterday. He can also be best described as the WALKING ENCYLOPAEDIA as far as the LAW is concerned in Malaysia.

Well, I am not hiding behind a pseudonym, and hence, if any can cajole YM RPK or Bro Labisman to let you know of my contact details, I am prepared to face the brickbats face to face. But please go on reading and you might see what I am trying to part with here, for all to be in the know, for it is very pertinent.

YB Karpal Singh MP, is someone that a lot of us have always been admiring, and in yours truly’s case, since my varsity days and this admiration only grew stronger and stronger purely on the grounds of WHAT he had steadfastly stood for all these decades against all odds. There were many of those downtrodden in the lower strata of society for whom he had represented on a pro bono basis right up to the Federal Court and won the case whilst setting many a legal precedents. All he has to do is make a phone call and he has the Chief Justice’s Ears and Time.

He was never a materialistic man, otherwise, he would be worth at least 10 times his current worth in terms of Ringgit and Cents. That Lion King with his Lioness had also brought up his cubs very well and his cubs are doing pretty well too trying to carry on his legacy.

I know that for a fact because I had to seek legal advise and action on a legal dispute and I had met YB Jagdeep Singh Deo, a lion king in the making, albeit, a versatile CUB. This was way back when he was not even a YB. So, technically, the matter can only be resolved by filling it in the High Court. A mundane action in the lower courts would not only be a wastage of time, both ours and the courts but a wastage of resources as well. But the difference of filling it in the High Court is quite high.

Take note here. Filling it in the lower court would entail an initial upfront/deposit of at least RM2,000, whereas, in the High Court, you are talking about RM20,000 to start with. Of course, for most of us, we don’t go around having that much money to seek a legal redress when other priorities are jarring at and down our throats.

Anyway, to cut to long story short, that Lion’s Cub, told me, and I wish to quote here, “Don’t worry about the amount involved. We will try to adjust it. The most important thing is that your case has legal merits and therefore, we are ready to fight for your justice first in the High Court where it should be rightfully heard.” BOY, that felt like listening to the Lion, Himself. No wonder, whenever you go to any of his offices, its packed with people from all walks of life waiting patiently to see YB Karpal Singh or his children and they do so knowing that all that waiting will culminate in them ultimately getting justice done and served properly.

In the years of his presence in the legal fraternity, his reputation as lawyer has never been questioned. He has been through thick and thin all throughout his life including being a victim of Ops Lallang and had spent time under ISA.

Before, YB Nurul Izzah Anwar and her siblings experienced the wrath of the BN scorned, YB Jagdeep Singh Deo and his siblings faced it with their Mother who is another plucky lady with nerves of steel as I had described YM RPK’ s wife, Puan Marina much earlier in a comment.

YB Karpal Singh MP by virtue of his legal expertise and his principles has always been admired by the Rulers, more so by DYMM Sultan Azlan Shah, who as we all know, was the Iconic Lord President that this Nation had had and probably never would have in the future. Ampun Tuanku.

I, humbly and personally, never for a moment, even in the remotest possibility, can believe that YB Karpal had any deliberate or even a nefarious intention of embarrassing of all persons, The DYMM Sultan Of Perak. I am a Perak born and I would never take things lying down if I know that anybody were to fool around with OUR BELOVED DYMM SULTAN OF PERAK and HIS FAMILY. They are above board and nobody touches them and can go scot-free as far as Perakans are concerned.

Those fellows, who wants action to be taken against YB Karpal Singh, are merely seizing the opportunity to blow things out of proportion because they are merely seeking issues to delve into and blow it out of proportion so as to distract the Rakyat in their desperate attempt to survive, which will be proven to be totally Futile in due course of time.

They are not convincing anyone with their antics.

Who touched the Privileges of the Rulers in the first place? Not YB Karpal or any of the Rakyat. It was UMNO and even the then DPM,(Bless his Soul), spoke saying that it is ok to criticise the Royalty and all that followed after that in public knowledge. Suddenly, these lallangs are crying out loud when only as recent as two months back, they were singing a different tune altogether that was bordering on HIGH TREASON by any standards. Remember, the Terengganu and Perlis episode.

Enough, no point trying to reason or rationalise matters with these Lallangs. Pakatan Rakyat, get ready and moving to take over for the Rakyat are pretty cheesed off and acutely sick and tired with their self serving childish antics.

However, what puzzles and boggles me is the unusual DEAFENING SILENCE from many, such as the Bar Council, the PR, etc, etc. to lend support in his time of need when he is always there for whosoever need his services at any time.

Sad really.

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