Saturday, May 3, 2008

Apostasy, Ong Ka Ting, Quran Alone and the Greatest Jihad

Apostasy, Ong Ka Ting, Quran Alone and the Greatest Jihad

by Abdul Rahman Abdul Talib at

A recent statement by MCA President, Dato Ong Ka Ting, in parliament ( ) has re-awakened the issue of apostasy in Islam.

Among the “Muslims” who commented on the issue is a small minority who calls themselves “Quran Alone” (QA)

My article will try to show the emptiness of QA’s stand on the issue. But, to start off, let me explain why the term “Quran Muslim” is actually an oxymoron. Such explanation is important as to understand why the QA’s stand is weaker then jelly and has no credibility whatsoever. If one wants to get a rough idea as to what QA stands for, just go to .

Why is the term Quranic-Muslim (QM) an oxymoron? To start off with a Muslim is someone who believes in the Quran, the Hadeeth, Ijma and Qiyas. One who rejects hadeeth, Ijma and Qiyas is by definition NOT a Muslim.

Second, the QM (or actually Anti Hadeeth) accepts the Quran that we know today. However, the Quran we have today (known as Mushaf Uthmani) are arranged and ordered according to the Hadeeth of the Prophet SAW. In other words, the MUSHAF UTHMANI is the arrangement of the Quran according to the Hadeeth of the Prophet SAW.

Why do we say this? Simple, consider these questions below:

a. Where does it say in the Quran that Surah Al Baqarah must come after Al Fatihah?
b. Where does it say in the Quran that Surah An Nas (Qulauzubirabinnas) must be the last Surah (chapter) in the Quran?
c. Where does it say in the Quran that there are 30 “juz”(section)?
d. Where does it say in the Quran that “alhamdulillahirabilalamin(01:01)” must come before “Ar Rahman Ar Rahim(01:02)”?
e. Where does it say in the Quran that there must be 114 Surah (Chapters) in the Quran?
f. Where does it say in the Quran that “Qulhuwallahuahad (112:01) must come before “Allahusamad(112:02)?

The fact that Anti Hadeeth (aka QA) accepts the current arrangement of the Quran (aka Mushaf Uthmani) indicates the contradiction in their beliefs. Those who take their path are actually on the path of confusion and contradictions.

Hence turning the Quran-alone, Anti-Hadeeth, Quranic-Muslim etc, concept into an oxymoron. Those subscribing to Anti Hadeeth beliefs can be safely categorized as Morons.

I can also quote 1001 reasons why the QA sect is confused, deviated and arrogant (and I already have). But, just to allay the fears of some of you on the understanding of Al Hadeeth An Nabawi, I have written a short article at .


The rules and regulations on apostasy in Islam is based on Al Quran, Al Hadeeth, AL Qiyas and Al Ijma (consensus of scholars).

Those who argue that apostasy is not illegal in Islam says that punishment for apostasy is not mentioned in the Quran. The QM/AH or Quran-Only sect goes a step further by misquoting and misinterpreting the Quran to support their argument.

For instance, in an article written by Farouk Peru, found at , quotes, among others, the verse 10:100 from the Quran as the basis for allowing apostasy. In truth, the verse 10:100 has got nothing to do with apostasy as shown below:

YUSUFALI: No soul can believe, except by the will of Allah, and He will place doubt (or obscurity) on those who will not understand.

Anyone reading the verse can tell that the verse has nothing to do with allowing or disallowing apostasy.

Furthermore, if it is true that the Quran allows apostasy, why then does the Quran quotes the story of Jews being executed because of committing apostasy in 02:54?

YUSUFALI: And remember Moses said to his people: "O my people! Ye have indeed wronged yourselves by your worship of the calf: So turn (in repentance) to your Maker, and slay yourselves (the wrong-doers); that will be better for you in the sight of your Maker." Then He turned towards you (in forgiveness): For He is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.

It’s weird for the Quran to allow apostasy, yet quotes incidences of execution for those whom had committed apostasy. But, somehow and someway the Anti Hadeeth managed to do it. Maybe they are a bunch of magicians.

For further explanation on the laws of apostasy in Islam, feel free to refer to, among others, , where explanation on the ruling is clear. He also addresses all the current understanding of the “nas” and what’s the best understanding for it. In short, when we refer to explanations from qualified people in Islam, we are not subjected to inconsistencies, confusions and contradictions. We save ourselves from being a (oxy)moron.


I do believe that Ong Ka Ting was justified in making the suggestion ( It is a weakness on the Muslim part not to be able to guide new Muslims who converted to Islam via marriage. They simply made their spouse convert to Islam just for sake of marriage and then do not provide them with proper guidance and education on Islam.

However, I think compromising the laws itself is not the solution. There are numerous other steps that can be considered. Such as:

a. Religious authorities will have to ensure that all of the converts are aware of the apostasy laws. This is to ensure no one converting into Islam for the sake of marriage per say
b. Those intending to convert will have to be determined of their true intention of converting and not just for the sake of marriage alone
c. New converts will be tested and made to sign a declaration stating that they are fully aware of the apostasy laws in Islam
d. Families of the converts must be opened enough to accept their family member’s faith. They should not discriminate them just because they changed their religion.

There are other steps that we can think off. The above are just my suggestion. However, to flout with an existing system which is beyond doubt is not a solution and will result in more problems in the future.


I referred to Raja Petra’s recent article entitled “The True Jihad” ( I choose to disagree with Raja on this issue because:

a. According to authentic hadeeth, i.e. Bukhari and Muslim, the greatest jihad is fighting against cruelty and oppression.
b. The jihad against one’s self (Jihadunafs) is not the truest and greatest of all Jihad. The hadeeth with regards to this issue is a “fabricated” hadeeth albeit it being popular.
c. It’s true that jihad is not limited to war, but war is one of the most important instrument of Jihad. That is why there are so many verses in the Quran specifically addressing the issue of warfare and the importance of fighting a war
d. Having said that, wars in Islam are fought specifically for the purpose of fighting oppression and upholding the truth. It’s never fought in the name of conquest or personal gains.
e. To deny the function of war in Islam is exactly what the sworn enemies of Islam wants us to do

In fact, what Raja Petra is doing right now, fighting corruption and cruelty, falls under the category of the greatest Jihad.

1 comment:

umnolover said...

"A true Muslim is one who will not take another person's property without his/her permission, not even a broken needle that is useless to the owner".

The differentiating factor between a man and an animal is that "Manusia boleh bezakan hak dia dengan hak orang tetapi binatang tak tahu bezakan hak dia dengan hak orang". So how many of our umno politicians are Muslims, or for that matter humans. Think about it