Tuesday, April 15, 2008

On Anwar by Little Bird

My Wife Shall Be PM
16 April, 2008

By Little Bird

Well, Anwar Ibrahim has had his coming out party. I am not a fan of the man at all. Let me state this plainly so that you may all know where I stand. It is not a sin to like a politician or to not like a politician. Please remember this simple element of freedom of speech and thought. Do grow up.

Like many other people, I know much about him from up close. When it comes to Anwar Ibrahim, many of you, particularly the Chinese and the Indians, do not really know what you are saying. This is similar to the Chinese and Indian love affair with the PAS. Listen to Karpal closely on that one.

Two nights ago, Anwar Ibrahim said that ‘If Pakatan Rakyat forms the Federal Government, Sabah will get up to 20% of royalties from oil and gas and timber, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said.’

My question is: isn’t this an outright offer of money? He is simply offering money to buy over Sabah.

And we all know that in Sabah and Sarawak the cahaya matas of the leaders are the ones who sapu all the money. In fact it was Anwar who said ‘in Sarawak the children of the leaders have set up a giant company called Cahaya Mata Sarawak, as though they own the State’. He said this at the Shah’s Motel in Petaling Jaya just over two yers ago. Sudah lupa ke brader Anwar? Now he is offering the same cahaya matas 20% royalties.

Can I ask a really stupid question? How much of this 20% will go to the Penan who have already been sucked dry and are still suffering under the same cahaya matas?

But what about other states like Pahang and Johor who may also have timber, fisheries and mines? Do they also get 20%? And here is the catch: surely some formula had been derived from long ago on how much royalties should accrue to the States. Whether 5%, 10% or whatever the formula has been in practice for decades. And we have never heard of Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu, Pahang or Perak asking for higher allocations. It has never been too great an issue.

But if getting 20% or 25% royalties is a real issue in Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu, Pahang, Perak, etc., then the BN too can make the same offer to the States and not just to Sabah. If it is justifiable then why not? What is so fantastic about this idea?

It only becomes fantastic when the money gets into the hands of the cahaya matas in Sabah and Sarawak – the political mafia that controls everything in those two states. Where is the guarantee that the royalties will trickle down to the Penans and the Dusuns? This is just throwing money (other peoples money) to buy over the kataks.

And for what logical reason should any of the 32 or so MPs jump from the BN to the PR, if not for money? Before this Anwar refused to swear on the Quran that he had not committed any lewd acts (not that I give a hoot – he can screw anyone he wants) but can Anwar swear on the Quran now that he is not planning to induce the 32 MPs with money to become kataks? Why don’t you Anwar lovers ask him – even ever so gently? Please get a life and please open your eyes.

Then the following: ‘As to who from Pakatan Rakyat should be the Prime Minister, he said he did not see why PKR president Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail could not be the first Malaysian woman Prime Minister.’

So Anwar wants his wife to be PM. Very gallant of the husband. Here is my thesis: Anwar is not even a member of Parti Keadilan Rakyat. I don’t believe he has even joined the party. Which is why he is touted as ‘Advisor’. Anyone is free to rebut this by providing simple evidence that Anwar is a card-carrying member of the Parti Keadilan. I am willing to stand corrected but I don’t believe he has joined Parti Keadilan.

The reason is simple. UMNO will look more kindly to allowing Anwar back into the party if he had never formally joined any other party. Although Tengku Razaleigh formed Semangat 46 he was allowed to rejoin UMNO because he brought back 200,000 members with him. This is Anwar’s greatest dream too. He wants to rejoin UMNO. He has tried a few times through emissaries to meet Dr Mahathir. (Don’t believe go and ask him lah! This one I am willing to swear on the Quran, Bible, Bhagavad Ghita, etc.) He is looking to set things up such that UMNO will accept him back. This is where again Anwar has missed the boat. More of that later.

But let’s go back to his statement that he wants his wife to be the PM. Surely this means he will control the PM through the bedroom. Azizah will be a phoney PM. I can imagine Azizah the Prime Minister being asked questions and she answering ‘I must check with my husband first’. Well she will not be that obvious but that is what Anwar Ibrahim is suggesting. His wife will become a puppet PM with him pulling the strings.

Since all his supporters are waiting for Anwar to become the PM why not he just say that “after I am elected an MP and after the 32 MPs have jumped over then I, Anwar Ibrahim, will become PM.” End of matter. Whatever happened to ‘Anwar Ibrahim is the PM in waiting’ or something like that?

Then what about DAP, Kit Siang, PAS, Hadi Awang, Syed Husin Ali and gang? Have they been consulted about this ‘my wife shall be PM’ idea? PKR only has 38 Parliamentary seats. Even if the 32 BN MPs jump over, PKR will still have 38 seats – unless all the 32 join PKR – which is not likely. Anyone who jumps will likely become an independent or remain in their parties (the small Sabah parties).

So how is Azizah going to make PM with just 38 seats? Then PAS has said before that they will not accept a woman as a leader. Granted they have started to field woman candidates but that is just a sprinkling. Can PAS agree to a woman PM? What does the PAS and DAP say to Anwar’s unilateral suggestion? Arent there any suitable candidates from among the PAS for the PM’s post?

In short it was not a wise statement from a supposed to be ‘PM in waiting.’ He is not being serious. Anwar is now busy fueling the discontent inside UMNO. He sees opportunities in a weakened UMNO – not in a weakened BN.

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