Wednesday, April 16, 2008

MCA do read Raja Petra's column...

MCA never attacked Islam but opposes hudud laws

Press statement issued by the Publicity Department,

Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) Headquarters

The Publicity Department of MCA HQ today expresses disappointment against allegations made by Raja Petra in his article “Running Dog Running Scared” in his column The Corridors of Power that MCA is playing up the Islamic card to drum up support against the Opposition.

We find the statements to be highly irresponsible by alluding that MCA intended to cause unrest and national instability because despite our political differences, MCA members are Malaysians as well.

This was never the intention contained in the press conference held by MCA President YB Dato’ Seri Ong Ka Ting after the MCA Presidential Council Meeting on 11 April 2008. It is regrettable that the MCA President’s remarks have been taken out of context.

Never at any time has MCA discredited Islam or Muslims. MCA respects Islam and stands by Article 3 of our Federal Constitution that Islam is the official religion of the country. In the same vein MCA respects all religions and the right of every Rakyat Malaysia to profess and practise his/her religion as enshrined in Article 11 of the Federal Constitution.

It has always been MCA’s position to reject the imposition of hudud laws and a theocratic state as it runs counter against the Federal Constitution which was built on a secular nature. MCA wishes to emphasize that by not compromising on the secular nature of the Federal Constitution and rejecting the establishment of an Islamic state are not tantamount to attacking Islam.

We endeavour to work alongside Barisan Nasional component parties in forging ahead with issues with regards to cases involving Muslims and non-Muslims. MCA pledges to ensure that civil laws prevail and that the rights of non-Muslims are protected and not compromised.

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