Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Is Malaysia cracking up on its seams?

Is Malaysia cracking up on its seams?
15 April, 2008

The 12th General elections have come, turned in a tsunami like effect and left us some thirty days since. But the dust is yet to settle. In fact the many mini storms appear to be in the making. And do we blame the man in the street for this or the ugly politicians?

On the ground the rakyat are increasingly getting perplexed and anxious over the daily build-up of tantrums, accusations, demands and all kinds of shocking statements by those in power.

To add to the confusion, it is also evident that the former prime minister Tun Dr. Mahathir is not done with his final piece either.

In fact, the many episodes unfolded on a daily, rationed basis by the media is seriously affecting the man in the street. Businesses are slowing down. Collections are stagnating. Prices of goods are creeping up in un-announced quick successions.

But the wages are frozen. Jobs are hard to clinch. Do we not realize that the struggling wage earner and simple businessman is suffocating under this belting of too little cash chasing after having to meet far too many financial commitments and basic goods to stay alive?

Yet none of our politicians are concerned. Only the increasing licensed loan sharks seem to be taking advantage with their huge signboads and advertorials screaming "we want to help you".

Meanwhile, it is also very obvious that the Barisan National party wigs are not prepared to step forward and extend professional collaboration with the 'opposition' parties that have now appeared on the forefront of government - voted in by the rakyat.

And in the midst of such ugly unwillingness to cooperate in the best interest of nationhood, we see more battle cries for resignations and of saving the rakyat along racial demarcations.

Have our leaders lost their rudders?

Meanwhile however other countries are pooling their strengths to battle an uncertain financial and economic future that is lapping up on the global shores.

We are already witnessing rise in grain prices. The back gold is expected for another massive surge in price. Some nations are seriously into or even considering rationing of basic staple food items.

Against this bleak future ahead, we in Malaysia are fighting tooth and nail to score points; pulling the rugs under each other; still unable to respect, honour and uphold the outcome of the rakyat's decision at the 12th general election.

In place there is so much of shrouded mysteries and perceived corruption coupled with heavy and ugly politicking.

Can one then be blamed for suspecting that Malaysia may after all be tearing at its seams?

J. D. Lovrenciear

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