Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ayah Ditahan

Ayah Ditahan
16 July, 2008

Nurul Izzah Anwar

Mimpi ngeri berulang lagi..

Kira-kira jam 12.45 tgh tadi, ketika saya menanti kepulangan DSAI untuk kami bersama menemani beliau ke IPK Kula Lumpur, kami telah dikejutkan dengan berita bahawa beliau telah ditahan kurang 50 meter dari rumah kami oleh Polis yang datang bersama Unit Tindakan Khas (UTK), lengkap bersenjata dan bertopeng ala komando. Igauan ngeri peristiwa hitam tahun 1998 berulang lagi. DSAI dilayan seperti penjenayah terrorist. Kerisauan dan kegusaran kami sekeluarga terhadap keselamatan DSAI kini sampai pada puncaknya. Tiada siapa antara kami yang tahu apa akan terjadi seterusnya. Saya seru teman-teman untuk bersama mendoakan keselamatan DSAI pejuang rakyat yang tidak pernah kenal erti putus. Umpama lilin yang membakar diri…

Dad was arrested by the cops whilst on his way to the IPK to give his statement. The cops gave till 2pm for dad to report but still arrested him before the deadline. Dad was on his way back home to have lunch in Bukit Segambut, and then head to the IPK but the cops blocked off the road and arrested him like a criminal. And the cops who arrested him were Special Squad cops with balaclavas!!! Is that necessary!!!

I hope and pray for our nation today. I ask all Malaysians to be calm but strong in this event. I truly do believe our nation’s future rests on what happens in the next weeks.

Please please do not give the authorities any reason to crack down on us. Let us do everything by the book and do what’s right.

And most of all, please pray.


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