Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Anwar begs for medical attention but is ignored

Anwar begs for medical attention but is ignored
17 July, 2008

"One of the police personnel in uniform removed the blindfold and the handcuffs," said Anwar Ibrahim in his testimony during the Royal Commission of Inquiry hearing to establish what really happened on the night of 20 September 1998.

"One of them took the handkerchief, the same handkerchief they used to blindfold me and wipe my blood oozing from my nose and upper lips," added Anwar. "Then they left me in that condition until late that night."

"I was in a state of semi-consciousness, very weak, and certainly a bit disoriented because the strike on my head was a bit severe."

"At about late or early morning, ACP Koh then came up to me, woke me up and served me with certain documents indicating that he is arresting me under the ISA (Internal Security Act)."

"I just laid flat, copped up in bed, lost any sense of time or whatever happened until the following morning."

"My left eye was swollen, so I was worried about my eyesight. I have a history of cervical spondylosis…the karate chops had aggravated the spondylosis. I could sense the nerve and pain on my left hand and sometimes, even on my right."

"There were officers coming in during routine checks and I said to them, "Look, I am not asking for anything, but I need medical attention, serious medical attention". Most of them just ignored it."

"The first person who entered the cell after the 21st (second day of arrest) was the Camp Commandant, Halim Siraj. And I appealed for medical attention."

"The Camp Commandant said he would refer the matter to the higher authorities. He came back later to me to say, "Dato Seri, I’m sorry, I did my best, there is nothing more I can do". He was sympathetic."

"I repeatedly asked to be examined by the doctor but I was first examined by the doctor on 24 September 1998 (four days later)."

"The meeting with Dr Vasantha was not at Bukit Aman (Police Headquarters) but it was at the Special Branch hideout solitary confinement. I was moved there at about midnight on 23 September, blindfolded and handcuffed again."

"Travel time took about one hour. I felt really miserable that time and I was brought to this hideout stripped naked. My condition at that time, I could hardly walk."

"I was examined by Dr Vasantha in the afternoon. And I slept there for a few more days, for three days. Then, on 27th, I was brought back to Bukit Aman lockup."

That same day Anwar made a police report on the assault at the Tun HS Lee Police Station.

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