Friday, May 2, 2008

Khir Toyo: What a performance!

Khir Toyo: What a performance!

May 2, 08 10:58am

‘All of a sudden it would seem that he has awakened up from his slumber as if he was in a coma all these years. What a play, what a masquerade!’

Santan: What fools does the arrogant, post-plastic surgery, ex-MB of Selangor think Malaysians are? What’s he doing, bersandiwara-ing even till now? To distract us whilst some siphons public funds away from the rightful guardians? He may be looking better than before, but he’s still no Brad Pitt.

Mr Khir Toyo, stop playing the ‘good guy’ because you’re not and nothing you say now matters anymore to anyone. At least for once in your life, do us a favour and do away with your performances. We’re not the least entertained.

Observer: All of a sudden it would seem that Khir Toyo has awakened up from his slumber as if he was in a coma all these years. What a play, what a masquerade! He would make a fine example from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar - et tu Brutus.

It is not the keris or the ‘big talker’ Khairy that brought the downfall alone - it is people like Khir Toyo and cronies of BN sitting on high pedestals reaping the cream of the fruits of labour that the ordinary citizens of Malaysia have toiled for. There are so many others like him in the BN flowchart.

As the ‘golden goose’ has lost its fertility to lay more golden eggs, thus they are apprehensive of that the amassed fortune that they have accumulated over the comfortable years would be exposed. We had enough of the likes of Khir Toyo and the rest of the elites of BN - you are history and so you will be. It is not too late to abscond quietly for if you were to poke the turf, you will find more cans of worms.

As for Pakatan, let this be a lesson, do not be heavyhanded, for people's power is supreme still. You are there for the people and not for your personal interests, not for your family’s gains etc.

1 comment:

umnolover said...

Khir Toyo is a dentist turned villain. He robbed the Selangorians and lost the state to PR. Now he is vying for the ketua pemuda post so that he can then rob all Malaysians, clever fellow. The guy is scared that PR will take over fed govt., so he is barking along Dr Maha asking Pak Lah to step down. Why? 'Cos if Najib take over, Dr M will be Maharaja. How? 'Cos Najib's very thick file with him.
Back to Toyo, why he prefer Maha to Pak Lah? Pak Lah is a God-fearing guy, got limit to what he can do. See, he did not interfere on the Anwar's release. Maha? Just look at his friend cum student, Mugabe, who actually lost the past couple of elections, not just the March 28th. So, if Mugabe's guru become Maharaja here, can you see any possibility of PR taking over fed govt.? So that Toyo guy can have a field day robbing the whole country alongside Maha and gang. I believe close to 85% of the Zimbabweans voted for Tsvaringi's party this recent elections to give a 52% vote, even then Maha's student is not giving up yet. So, if Maha become Maharaja here and 90% of rakyat vote against BN, you think he will give in.
I am an umno member since 1976, and I would love to see Maha and Toyo behind bars. My umno is now infested with unscrupulous people and these are the lanuns that go up the ladder. The best person in umno is undoubtedly my Pak Lah, but sad to say he has become Khairy's Pak Lah.

A Muslim govt is,among others, to provide clean drinkable water to its people FOC, or at most, bill them to cover cost only, but never to make profit out of God-given water. I read this some 30 years ago somewhere. Well, I dont blame Pak Lah's Hadhari 'cos all these were signed and stamped under the Mahathir regime. I salute Tan Sri Khalid, may God bless you for providing enough free water to the rakyat.