Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Let Abdullah get on with the job

Let Abdullah get on with the job
17 April, 2008
The Straits Times

IT HAS been five weeks since the general election in Malaysia. The Barisan Nasional (BN) was returned to power, albeit with a smaller majority and the loss of five states.

Despite the shock of the result, it was still a mandate that no one could argue with, not even Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in his wildest allegations of electoral fraud.

But what has Umno, the leading partner of the ruling coalition and largest party in Parliament, been doing since March 8? Bickering, pointing fingers, baying for vengeance and doing everything imaginable except rolling up its sleeves and getting down to the work of governing.

Enough is enough.

People are getting fed up with Umno's moaning and groaning, the political wayang and sandiwara its cast of characters is playing up and down the country.

The truth is that the people have long been disgusted with the kind of boorish, loutish behaviour that Umno leaders have exemplified because of their grip on power since independence in 1957.

Brandishing the keris was hurtful to the non-Malays, but the party's leaders did nothing to take the Umno Youth chief to task for the menacing and insulting act. Which was why he was emboldened to repeat it and give extra impetus for the Chinese and Indians to abandon the BN at the polls.

It also did not go unnoticed that the leadership put up with the racist and inflammatory rhetoric of the delegates at the televised 2006 Umno general assembly.

Then there was the desecration of the temple under the watch of then Selangor Menteri Besar Mohd Khir Toyo, which did so much to outrage Hindus all over the country and turn them against the ruling coalition.

And Dr Khir had the cheek to award a broom to a local council president when neither he nor the party president could control the warlords who held the party to ransom over the choice of candidates, and stabbed the party in the back when they did not approve of the candidates.

Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi is now paying for these and other acts of omission, including the undeliverable promises of change that he made when he became Prime Minister in 2003.

Every other day, he has had to deflect attacks by party members and ex-leaders who have conveniently absolved themselves of any fault. But every day that he is sidetracked by party bickering is another day the affairs of state are neglected - the nation and the people are the losers.

Datuk Seri Abdullah has said that he has got the message; he has accepted responsibility for the unkept pledges; and this time, he vows he will deliver on his promises and set the country in order before he retires.

That is, in fact, the verdict of his mandate, and he should be allowed to get on with it. But all the worms crawling out of the Umno woodwork - especially the retired and those with shelf lives past due dates who have found new breath in their calls for a party coup - won't let him.

They don't get it. PM Abdullah is not solely to be blamed, and everything will not suddenly be all well again if he goes. Umno, from its roots to the high branches, all have to share the blame for their silence, their greed, arrogance and shenanigans that have turned off voters. So stop the navel-gazing and infighting.

If they have to fight among themselves, at least have the decency to keep it civilised and behind closed doors. They don't have to drag the whole country through their infernal politicking.

There are more important things than private peeves and settling of scores.

Neither the brewing crisis over soaring food prices nor other major issues are going to wait for Umno to put its own house in order.

Now is the time for the grand old party to move on, do the things its leaders have promised and show that it still has what it takes to lead the nation.


PM Abdullah is not solely to be blamed, and everything will not suddenly be all well again if he goes. Umno, from the roots to the high branches, all have to share the blame for their silence, their greed, arrogance and shenanigans that have turned off voters.

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