Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Raja Petra sedition trial: 'He told me'

Raja Petra sedition trial: 'He told me'
7 Oct, 2008

By M. Mageswari, The Star

Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin had told a talk show host that he had written about Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu two days before the programme was aired live nationwide in April, the Sessions Court heard.

Hasshim Abu Hanifah, who is a host of RTM’s Blog talk show, said he interviewed Raja Petra in its second episode on April 27.

“If I am not mistaken, he (Raja Petra) mentioned that he had written about Altantuya two days before that,” he told Sessions Court judge Rozina Ayob in the packed courtroom.

Raja Petra claimed trial to publishing a seditious article on its website on April 25.

Questioned by DPP Ishak Mohd Yusof, the second witness said Raja Petra had made such a statement when he was interviewing him under the “Keterbukaan” (openness) segment.

Hasshim, 49, who is also RTM news editor, however said Raja Petra did not elaborate on the title of his article.

He said he asked Raja Petra on openness in the government but the blogger had rejected the existence of such a thing, giving various reasons why he thought so.

He said he had asked RTM studio director Ahmad Zaki Mustafa to record the show in a video compact disc (VCD).

However, the defence raised an objection when the prosecution applied to have the VCD played in the courtroom.

DPP Roslan Mat Nor argued that the VCD would not prejudice the accused as it had been supplied to the defence team before the trial started and that it was only to let the witness refresh his memory.

Counsel Gobind Singh Deo, however, argued that if the court allow the witness to watch the VCD in court it would appear as though he was giving his evidence not from recollection but from the VCD.

The judge later threw out the application by the prosecution.

At this juncture, the crowd in the public gallery clapped their hands and cheered but the judge cautioned them against it.

Hasshim then continued to testify, saying that Raja Petra also told him in Arabic language that his contributions as a blogger were to do good and reject bad things.

The second witness also confirmed that Raja Petra had mentioned the Altantuya case to him during the interview.

Asked by lead counsel J.Chandra, he denied that the talk show was made to “trap” the blogger.

He said he did not give any caution to Raja Petra before the show that anything he said could be used against him.

The hearing continues on Wednesday.

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