Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Gist of RPK’s trial - where is the evidence to say he is seditious?

Gist of RPK’s trial - where is the evidence to say he is seditious?

7 Oct, 2008
I see at least a flicker of hope for Raja Petra Kamaruddin who is facing his sedition trial in Petaling Jaya today. The gist of RPK’s trial today, according to Hazlin Hassan @ The STRAITS TIMES:

While the prosecution took its time to establish a prima facie case against the blogger, the defence immediately pointed out a possible hole in their case.

Defence lawyer J. Chandra told the court that a computer forensics report conducted by the police on a computer seized from RPK showed there was no activity to access the Malaysia Today website on April 25, the date he allegedly posted the seditious article on that same website. Government prosecutors will have to convince the judge that they have a case against him. Otherwise she has the option of acquitting him.

But if he is convicted of sedition, he faces up to three years’ imprisonment. Government prosecutors say the hearing will continue at least until Friday and the court will then decide whether to call for the defence.

Way to go! I am praying RPK will have the last laugh!

But I don’t think RPK is anti-government (as The Strait Times label him in their lead), he believes in the monarchy as well as the Parliamentary system. So how can he be anti-government.

RPK is anti-bad politicians, corruption, murder of Mongolian and all women, and anti-ISA, I am sure!

On his dream while in ISA:

“I dream of the day the government will be brought down and we abolish all draconian laws,” he said.

For someone who has to live in a tiny cell that measures roughly three feet by three feet, he was rather cheerful and cracked jokes with his family and friends in court.

“If (opposition leader) Anwar Ibrahim doesn’t form the government and I stay in (under ISA) for (the full sentence of) two years, I’ll come back to haunt him. So he better make sure,” he said when asked by reporters if the opposition would take over soon as it has threatened to.

His spirits are high, I can feel. Yes, hope everyone who can make it will be in court to show RPK how much we care.

Don’t forget to tell him, if you can, how others, who can’t make it to court, loves him too.

Link to this article:

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