Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Melamine found in 2 more China products

Melamine found in 2 more China products
Oct 01, 2008

AVA has detected melamine in 2 more products imported from China.

This brings the total number of affected products found locally to 10.

If you have any New Sshma Ows Mallow Dippers or Silang - House of Steamed Potato Tomato Crackers, it may be time to stop eating them, as they are the 2 latest products to be added to the list of melamine-tainted products.

Strawberry flavoured New Sshma Ows Mallow Dippers

Silang - House of Steamed Potato potato & tomato crackers

Earlier, Silang - House of Steamed Potato Potato crackers were also found to contain melamine, along with other products including Yili dairy fruit bar yoghurt flavoured ice confection, Dutch Lady banana, strawberry and honeydew milk, White Rabbit candy and Xu Fu Ji puffed rice rolls.

As with the other products, the levels of melamine detected in the affected products are not high enough to result in any adverse health effect, a child would have to take 50 cups - and an adult 101 cups - of New Sshma strawberry flavoured dip everyday over a lifetime to exceed the daily intake he can tolerate.

However, the amount of melamine found in the ten products above is higher than what can be considered as naturally occurring. It is clear that Melamine has been artificially added to adulterate these products.

AVA also clarified that companies should verify with them before making claims that their China-made products are safe.

As long as the milk or milk products are produced in China, such products are suspended from import and sale in Singapore. AVA will not hesitate to take enforcement actions against any company who violates this ban.

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