Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Marina - Straight From The Heart

Marina - Straight From The Heart

Hari Raya Message From Kamunting

I just read my husband's article on www. malaysia-today.net No Holds Barred and was extremely upset and it made my heart so heavy reading what Pet wrote: “It costs RM8 to feed a dog according to the Malay Mail survey and only RM4.50 to feed ISA detainees.....

I feed my cats and fish premium food such as science diet and would never dream of feeding my pets the food that we are fed here. I actually stopped eating the food here after the first couple of days because it gave me diarrhea. A couple of nights ago I vomitted after eating the food and now I cannot even stand the sight or smell of the trays that they sent to our cell twice a day. I now survive on dates and plain bread....."

Umno preparing food for 200,000 people for their Open House for the 1st day of Hari Raya and what would the cost be per head?

How can Muslims of high authority use this unIslamic law, the ISA, on people during the month of Ramadan (the holy month for Muslims), put them under such barbaric conditions and rehabilitate them according to their perverted standards. Where is the compassion, where is the humanity and most important of all, where is the love of mankind that Islam enjoins its followers to observe? Can someone please explain all this to me? I am really very confused. All I can see is hypocrisy and man's inhumanity to man, not compassion, consideration and common decency.

Jakim is coming up with an Islamic rehabilitation program for my husband, it is a joke. Did they even understand what Pet wrote in the first place since it is in English? What he wrote was not anti-Islam. The use of the ISA on Pet is all politically motivated. He has taken on powerful people and since the Prime Minister is weak, he is unable to use the powers that are available to bring justice. This is the tragedy of our country. Let us work towards a change in government, one that is committed to abolishing the despicable ISA. We want Rule of Law not Rule by ISA.

I am in Kamunting today, staying the night so that I can be first in line to get into the prison. It pains the grandchildren, children and I to be without Pet on Hari Raya. We miss him and the joy that he brings to us each day.

Thanks for your support and prayers my family have received. We must continue this fight to free Pet and his friends under detention in Kamunting. "Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf, Zahir dan Batin."

Love from Pet and Family

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