Monday, July 28, 2008

Letter in support of the honorable Datuk Seri Dr. Anwar Ibrahim

Letter in support of the honorable Datuk Seri Dr. Anwar Ibrahim
28 July, 2008

The following Communique is sent to you for immediate release:

As many of those who have had the privilege to work with him or under his leadership in international institutions, we have heard with deep concern the charges filed against the honorable Datuk Seri Dr. Anwar Ibrahim, in spite of the fact that similar unsubstantiated charges filed ten years ago against him were overturned by the Supreme Court.

We would like, in such circumstances, to reiterate our full confidence in his moral integrity, as a man who has demonstrated, in the discharge of his national and international responsibilitis, the highest ethical standards of leadership, fighting for international justice, peace and development.

We want also to express our confidence that whatever the present political circumstances, the Government of Malaysia will exert a particular restraint in the handling of this case and will demonstrate, by dropping the charges introduced against Dr. Anwar Ibrahim, an exemplary sense of respect for the rights of the individual which are so important to the international standing of Malaysia.

Signed by,
-- Paul Martin, Former Prime Minister of Canada and former Chairman of the G20
-- Michel Camdessus, Former Managing Director and Chairman of the Board of the International Monetary Fund
-- James Wolfensohn, Former President of the World Bank

SOURCE Paul Martin; Michel Camdessus; James Wolfensohn
CONTACT: Michelle DeCoste of Wolfensohn & Company LLC,

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