Monday, July 28, 2008

The Last Lecture

Randy Pausch was a computer science professor who was told one day by his doctor that he had 6 months left to live. What would you do if you were told the same thing?

Here is a remarkable man who in this lecture, his last, never showed a glimpse of sadness nor desperation. He was cheerful, sometimes funny, and he is full of aspiration. This Last Lecture, "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams" has a phenomenon.

He continued to live a full happy life and he beat the doctor's expectation by an extra 5 months. Watch this Last Lecture. It has a lesson or two for all of us.

Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
Randy Pausch with his children
September 18, 2007: Randy Pausch

"Almost all of us have childhood dreams; for example, being an astronaut, or making movies or video games for a living. Sadly, most people don’t achieve theirs, and I think that’s a shame. I had several specific childhood dreams, and I’ve actually achieved most of them. More importantly, I have found ways, in particular the creation (with Don Marinelli), of CMU’s Entertainment Technology Center of helping many young people actually *achieve* their childhood dreams." - Randy Pausch

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