Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ezam has a motive afterall.....Umno Youth Chief!!

Ezam: I'm ready to lead Umno Youth...
30 May, 2008

Ezam has declared he's ready to contest the Umno Youth chief post if his leadership could help raise the status of the Malays. What's holding him back is that being new, Umno might not allow him to make such a big move. "I have to discuss first with the leadership and with friends. If the post is for party and national interests and in the interest of the Malays, I will seriously consider," he told Bernama.

Mohamad Ezam Mohd Nor (right) and K.S. Nallakaruppan

So the prodigal son returns. Now that it is official that former Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Youth chief Mohamad Ezam Mohd Nor has rejoined Umno, many are curious as to why now? After all, the party is in a bit of a shambles with in-fighting that political observers insist is Umno’s tradition.

Still, this kind of divisiveness seems excessive even in a country that is used to political posturing. Not to mention unnerving. So yes, why now? After all, Ezam was sacked from Umno in November 1998 for his harsh criticism against then party president Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad (now Tun). At the time, Ezam was the deputy head of Umno Petaling Jaya Selatan.

At the press conference to announce his rejoining Umno yesterday, Ezam chose not to speak. He deferred instead to party president Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

This morning at the Shah Village Hotel in Petaling Jaya, he held a press conference to answer why now.

“Because he’s (Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) only introduced the (reform) policies (on the judiciary and the Anti-Corruption Agency) in the last few weeks. I’ve never seen any prime minister do that in the past 10, 20 years I was in government,” said Ezam.

"I’m joining Umno now, not in the strongest position. My decision is based purely on my conviction that Umno now is capable of bringing about the necessary reforms."

Ezam said he felt that he could contribute to Umno even though he is not holding any post. He explained that what he believes Umno is fighting for, even now, is still the same as what the forefathers of our nation fought for all those years ago and what Umno is based on – that is, the principle of custody ("amanah").

He also said he did not believe in the concept of "Ketuanan Melayu" or "Ketuanan Rakyat" for that matter because the concept of "lordship" is a Roman one and not an Islamic concept.

Ezam, who started the press conference all smiles, grew serious when he was examined on his leaving Parti Keadilan Rakyat and links with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Ezam was a founding member of the party and seen as the ultimate Anwarista. Observers say he walked, talked and even smiled like Anwar. So why the sudden change of heart?

He said he had left PKR in April last year even though it was only made public in June. One year on, he has decided to rejoin Umno so it was not a matter of jumping from one party to another.

Although Ezam did not want to elaborate on his reasons for leaving Keadilan – saying that he had already spoken about it at the time – he did say that he "holds strongly to the concept of an Islamic Malay nation that respects and acknowledges the rights of the other citizens from other races.”

Initially, he said, Keadilan was set up as a multiracial Malay-based party, but slowly, it dropped the "Malay-based" aspect and just became a multiracial party. Ezam said that to lose that foundation is "a big sin." "It crossed the line," he said.

Ezam had come to the press conference with a coterie of supporters including fellow ISA detainee Datuk K.S. Nallakaruppan, who was also in Keadilan and left with him. Nalla has since formed his own political party, the Malaysian Indian United Party (MIUP).

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