Friday, April 11, 2008

Anwar busy building up Alliance, BN struggling to hold together.

Malaysia's Anwar won't run for office yet - paper

April 11, 2008
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia's de facto opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim does not expect to run for political office in the next few months, a report said on Friday, amid growing talk he was eyeing the premiership.

The former deputy prime minister will be allowed to run for office again on April 15 when an official ban, imposed following an earlier conviction for corruption, expires.

But Anwar told The Star newspaper he was not in a hurry to contest in a by-election.

"Building up an effective and credible Pakatan Rakyat is far more important for now," he was quoted as saying, referring to the opposition coalition pact.

Anwar said the opposition could form the federal government in the next election if it delivered on its promises in the five states won during the March 8 poll.

Anwar, who was in the political wilderness after being dumped in 1998 by his former mentor, ex-prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, has seen his political fortunes revived after the opposition pulled off a surprisingly big victory in last month's poll.

For the first time in 40 years, the opposition denied the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition a two-thirds parliamentary majority and seized control of five states.

Barisan's poor showing has sparked some calls for Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to resign although Abdullah has insisted he will not step down.

Anwar also quashed speculation that the opposition would table a motion of no-confidence against Abdullah in parliament.

"We don't find it a necessity nor critical," he said but added that the opposition was monitoring the situation.

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