Wednesday, August 26, 2009

An Interesting Exchange Of VIews In The Comments To "HOW TO MUZZLE YOUR CRITIC"

Assalamalaikum Dear Dr. Mahathir,

As an Israeli and a Jew, it is not really my business in the internal politics of Malaysia and it is an issue to be dealt by Malaysians solely.
May be I don't understand well the whole Malaysian political processes, but I would like to post my opinion as an "outsider".

Any political leader or any public or national servant must understand that when he/she joins the public role, he/she will be exposed to criticism. It is not a regular criticism. It is criticism using a magnifying lens. A mouse size of a mistake would look now in the size of an elephant. No one can escape of that political drama. This is also even your destiny when you entered the political life.

Where is the difference? There are two kind of politicians. Those who enter into politics for selfish ambitions and pretending to be working for the people and the other are those who enter into politics with the pure intention to serve the people.

Both types are making mistakes. The selfish are making their mistakes because of their narrow viewing angle. Looking always for their own and selfish promotion while the people are last priority. Those will be also the first to jump from the ship if it will sink. Criticism of those leaders by the people and the media is a MUST. The people must understand that this was a wrong choice. These kind of mistakes of the selfish leaders cannot be forgiven and must not.

The true people's political servant may also be mistaken. But this mistake is different, it is not done intentionally and not for selfish purpose. Because that type of leader is motivated for the good of his own people and view a wider angle, he/she may have mistakes due to the huge amount of data to be analyzed. Now he/she have a big dilemma to make a choice of several options. It is not an easy task and mistakes are part of the process. Of course those mistakes must be criticized by the people and media. But this must be with the intention of improvement and learning the lesson for the future. In this case if the leader is a honest servant, he/she will listen to the criticism, internalize the lesson and learn how to avoid similar mistakes in the future. Those mistakes can be forgiven by the people and a second chance can take place. In cases when honest politicians are committing severe mistakes, they are self resigning their position. A selfish leader wouldn't do that.

Dear Dr. Mahathir, I tend to believe that you are the second type of politician and this is why you have so many supporters even you are not leading Malaysia for almost 6 years. People are not forgetting the good things and the bad things leaders did for them. Having so many supporters is speaking for itself.

When people are criticized, it must be done in a way such that the criticized object will not be pushed against the wall. Pushing the criticized to the wall may react opposing to the intention of the criticism. So, criticism must have the proper approach and timing if the intention is to get improvement. If the criticism is in the intention to smear mud on the face of the leader, it will not achieve a thing since mud can be smeared on the face of the criticizer since he/she is not pure of mistakes. Everyone bears a Pandora box that maybe opened.

Now, Malaysians need to understand themselves who is a real leader and who is a false leader and criticize him/her accordingly.

Dear Dr. Mahathir, I’m continuing reading your posts even I'm not commenting on the internal issues of your country. Since "criticism" is a more generic issue, I felt that I may comment.

Dear Dr. Mahathir, I wish you all the best and good health.


Hanan, Jewish,


Dear Hanan, Jews and Son of Israel

One of the Western people say: 7 of Arab are equal to 1 Jews and 7 of Jews are equal to one Dr Mahathir.


Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..


A nice one from you I must concede.Back to the Pandora Box..
Pandora heard a voice from the box that says..Release me..and all the sweet nothing which goes with it..Unable to tempt her curiosity that not only kill the cat..She release all kinds of evil to the world..

Bittered and stung that is the aftermath.

Now back to Malaysian political scene.

Abdullah Argh..Mad Badawi opened Malaysian political Pandora Box..

First : he heeds the voice of ''release me'' from Anwar Ibrahim..

Please release me let me go..For I don't love Mahathir any more..
He..opss..I did it again..I got carried away and not so innocent..

Not all hell break loose in Malaysia but it did it catastropic proportion in Malaysia though..

Second: Abdolla like the Pandora Box myth gives hopes..He gaves many Malaysian hopes but as the saying goes...

His ego writing checks his body can't cash..

I would not go into all the details but suffice to says Tun walks his talks,though his critics will not agrees to this.And they who critizes Tun are the one as always nothing to shows for their critism.They truly forgotten the saying..

People in house glass should not throw stone..

Thank you Hanan..May I have not to say anything about your political scene...:)

Terima kasih Tun..


salam Tun,

Dear Hanan,

Please send my regards to your leaders back home.Gee thanks for evicting those Arabs out of their ancestral homes to make way for Jewish settlers recently.

Thanks a lot for ignoring the world's condemnation and protests against the evictions!

By God,you guys are truly compassionate and peace loving people!The
greatest land robbers...oopps sorry! providers of the 20th century!




Assalamualaikum dear Dr. Mahathir and dear friends,

I read a comment which is not related to the posted item. it was that one:
"By zul81 on July 31, 2009 3:01 PM
Dear Hanan, Jews and Son of Israel
One of the Western people say: 7 of Arab are equal to 1 Jews and 7 of Jews are equal to one Dr Mahathir."

Why did zul81 direct the comment to me? Was his intention to praise me? Or humiliate me? Was his intention to praise Dr. Mahathir? So why did he direct the comment to me and the Jews? Actually he humiliated his own brothers and leader. Is this is the type of Dr. Mahathir’s supporters and is this the kind of comments Dr. Mahathir is expecting? I doubt.
I could use the same silly "jokey" jargon by equalizing the Jew to a pig (like many of the Muslims tend to say). I'll leave the math work for you to address how many pigs are equal to whom. But I’ll not use this equation since I don't believe or support it in the same manner as I don't like zul81’s comment.
I prefer to pour some criticism on the people who criticize the Zionists as non human, brutal, monstrous, etc..., including some famous leaders of your country.
From those tens of thousands or even more readers including the blog administrators and its owners, couldn't address the humiliating joke of zul81. Not a single honest and truthful Muslim raised his voice to condemn that comment. Silence, or maybe acceptance, or maybe ignorance or may be all of that.

The Malaysian leaders and people want to teach the Zionists a lesson of humanity and tolerance by criticizing them everywhere and every time.
You should look in the mirror before any attempt to say a word to anyone. Comments and sayings like zul81's is just the spark to ignite a more humiliation to other nations and minorities. This is a snow ball towards what you can read and watch below:
One picture is worth more than 1000 words.
Don't speak up about any phosphorous bombs, and massacre and apartheid and racism and brutal beating and check points and fences, prior you are pure and innocent. Don't hold the human rights flag prior you are humans yourself. Don't attempt to declare war as crimes against humanity while your law keepers are committing crimes against humanity on defenseless detained people. There is a lot you need to learn about humanity yourselves proir attempting to be a role model of humanity and blast the teaching to others. First declare them criminals, clean your hands and wash the internal laundry.
This is my kind of criticism to all of you and you may do whatever you find proper to do with it even throwing it to the garbage can.

Dr. Mahathir said well:
"Cry my beloved country".
Dr. Mahathir is right, Malaysians - you really deserve it. Cry...because of the shame.

Wassalam friends.

Hanan, Jewish,


Dear Hanan,Jewish

I`m really sorry if you irritated with the comment that i was posted.

Many people includding myseft believe that Jewish are intellegent and smart folk. This is not come by naturality or gift from the God but through Jewish cultural,diet and emphasis to the education since they growing in the fetus stage. I dont know its true or not, a story of one Jewish ante natal mother during her prangnancy , she and her spouse will do calculus and mathematic solution together just for stimulate intellegent of their baby.

I very proud having an intelligent and smart leader like Dr Mahathir. A western man describe the intellegent of Dr Mahathir with to word that I have posted before and make you mad.

Maybe u proud to your Bibi @ Benjamin Netanyahu.

Syallom to u.


to JJJ:
so the article talks about offering more government scholarships to singaporean chinese than to the malays and indians. Apparently, a lot more scholarships are given to chinese students and the writer is upset cause he feel's its biased and not an accurate reflection of the population make-up of Singapore.
JJJ, you can choose to look at it for 2 angles. One, the Singapore government is biased. It selects the scholarship holders based on skin colour and ethnicity.
the Chinese students who received the scholarships are academically bright and based on their records, they are worthy. It is unfair to deny them the scholarship just so to reflect the population make-up because 1. they have worked hard and deserve the scholarship, and 2. the purpose of these scholarships is to recruit the brightest students into the government so that the most capable may lead the country forward, and since the chinese students have shown they are capable, they are awarded the scholarships.

Look, JJJ, if the SG government is truly racist, it would have adopted Pro-chinese policies by giving them priority education, housing and jobs, like the bumiputra policy in malaysia. If the sg government were truly racist, why would they make it compulsory to include at least one minority-race candidate for groups running for election in the GRCs(group representation constituency)? why? because we are racist?

i doubt someone racist like you can understand the stuff i've just said. all the comments you have made seem to be directed at the chinese( chinese taking up scholarships, sg's gov being pro chinese). Try to look at issues from other angles and correct your racist policies in malaysia before criticizing singapore. WAKE UP YOU ANTI-SEMITIC RACIST FOOL!!

Hanan i feel for you.


Assalamualaikum dear zul81,

I deeply appreciate and accept your friendly apology.

We need to bear a second time thinking before saying words. Those words maybe cherishing and praising one side and humiliating the other side. People from different cultures and different races or religions are sensitive to different interpretations of the same words. I know many ugly jokes about Arabs and Muslims, but I dare to say them for two main reason: One - I don't agree with such jokes, two- those kind of jokes must not get publicity. As same I can say that I'm against the cartoons against prophet Muhammad which have been published in the European newspapers at the time.

Allah created all people to be equal and blessed them. Everyone on earth has a duty to fulfill. Is the knowledge of the professor worthy more than the hard working cotter that plants wheat seeds to have bread and feed the professor? As a Jew I don't feel superior among anyone, neither an Arab, nor a Muslim, nor a Christian nor another Jew. Even the sick and invalids have their self contribution to humanity and it is weighing equally. Just imagine the deed of a healthy person to visit the sick person. By being a sick person he made the healthy person to do the deed because the healthy could do the visiting deed. For the religious people of all religions the weigh of our deeds is equal. The wheat of the cotter is equal to the knowledge of the professor who made better means to plant that wheat seeds to have a healthier bread the cotter can seed its wheat. Our harmony in life is full of different deeds and they are all equal. This is about how Judaism is interpreting deeds and I'm pretty sure Islam is doing the same.
I also have a great respect to Dr. Mahathir but he is not unique among any other friendly person. I'm sure that Dr. Mahathir is not looking after the special praising in kind of jokes since it is not adding any honor to the person we honor. When praising of a person is to be expressed, we don't need to make a comparison to other people. When someone is awarded we never say that he did better than another person.


Hanan, Jewish,


Asslamualaikum dear friend antikmalaya,

As you probably saw I already excused zul81.

Zionists are a partial group of the Jewish people. This part is the major part of the Jewish people.
The Zionists are committed to the agenda of returning to our homeland Zion (Zion means Jerusalem, means the land of Israel).
I'll not go once again into the same issues that we already had a debate upon in previous issues and posts of the “chedet blog web site”. You may refer to them and search the answers.

As you mentioned the Iranian Jews that they are safe and protected, let me tell you some interesting facts. They are so well protected, that the Iranians are not allowing a whole family to travel abroad and some family members must stay in Iran as a safety playing card. Do you know why? It is because they don't want the Jews to emigrate and they don't want that the Jews who travel abroad will speak against Iran so the rest of the family are hostages. So don't tell me about the brutal Iranian regime. I know the information from "first source".

You may also look into the history of Muslims who massacred Jews. Not as much as the Christians, but still massacred. There are still enough evidences of Palestinians who massacred Jews even before Israel was established and they massacred the Jews who lived on that land for hundreds of years.

You may think that most of the crimes are done by the Zionists. And I think that the most of the crimes are done by the Muslim Palestinians and Yasser Arafat was the head of criminals to his own people, robbing their money and living in luxury palace while his poor people is oppressed (just see how his widow lives abroad in France, from where did she got that money?). The most criminals are the Saudi's and the oil supplying countries (Muslims) who are living covered with gold and diamonds, forgetting the Quran equality to all and preserve the Palestinians misery just as an excuse against the Jews. This is my example of criminals. You hate the Jews more than you love your own brothers.

As for the proposal to convert to Islam. Thank you for the invitation. I prefer to remain a Jew without the "Jihad" in my agenda. I found the Judaism as a better faith for me in many aspects of humanity and teaching. I like the hard way of Judaism compared the easy way of converting to Islam. At least I don't need to listen to brainwashing clerics in mosques. In the synagogues we don't brainwash against our enemy, we teach Torah. This is not an obstacle for me to become a friend of Muslims and respect thier faith.

As you mentioned that the Quran uses the Jewish people and Zionists as same (you said: "the Muslims generally accept Zionists and Jewish as one. This is because the Quran refers both as Jewish."), kindly can you refer to the word "Zionist" in the Quran and where is it equalized to Jews?


Hanan, Jewish,


Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..


[[The most criminals are the Saudi's and the oil supplying countries (Muslims) who are living covered with gold and diamonds, forgetting the Quran equality to all and preserve the Palestinians misery just as an excuse against the Jews. This is my example of criminals. You hate the Jews more than you love your own brothers.]]

Hanan, I concede and agrees with you on this.No need for elaboration.

[[As for the proposal to convert to Islam. Thank you for the invitation. I prefer to remain a Jew without the "Jihad" in my agenda. I found the Judaism as a better faith for me in many aspects of humanity and teaching. I like the hard way of Judaism compared the easy way of converting to Islam.]]

I don't agree with you with this one hanan..There is no easy way in Islam.

[[At least I don't need to listen to brainwashing clerics in mosques. In the synagogues we don't brainwash against our enemy, we teach Torah. This is not an obstacle for me to become a friend of Muslims and respect thier faith.]]

I respect your faith too but would like you to consider exchange of opinion.

[[As you mentioned that the Quran uses the Jewish people and Zionists as same (you said: "the Muslims generally accept Zionists and Jewish as one. This is because the Quran refers both as Jewish."), kindly can you refer to the word "Zionist" in the Quran and where is it equalized to Jews?]]

Please highlight the importance of this point.

Hanan..we may disagrees in lot of things but I would like to start on new footing.Would you care to explains:

1) How your God describes Himself?
2) What is the purpose of your religion?
3) If 99 percent of your believer acts against the very
teaching tenet of your religion, is your religion at fault or
the follower is?

I think you are a brave man Hanan.Defending one faith is an act of courageous fellow.I believe I am brave too in seeking clarification of your faith in order to shows mine.

Terima kasih Tun.


Asaalamualaikum dear frind wajaperak,

Let me be sharp and short.
I'll not become a Muslim for the reasons as:
• You never greet me with the "assalamualaikum" because I'm a Jew.
• You suspect the honesty of a non Muslim.
• You have the Jihad. And here you may find what can a Muslim do in the name of his faith:,7340,L-3760580,00.html. (if it is not enough, I can find some more of that shame)

You wrote:
"1) How your God describes Himself?
2) What is the purpose of your religion?
3) If 99 percent of your believer acts against the very teaching tenet of your religion, is your religion at fault or the follower is?"

I don't need to justify any of your questions about the purpose of the Jewish religion or God's description since it is not relevant to the "criticism" objective of that post. You'll need to become a Jew to understand that (and it is a very hard process).
I really admire your superior knowledge and placing the fact that 99 percent of the Jews are acting against their own faith. This means two major things of your firm knowledge. One - You know so well Judaism so you don't need to ask the two previous questions. Two - you have a very good and reliable data base with the proper number of Jews who are alike. Isn't it based somehow on the clerics data base?

Hanan, Jewish,


Dengan Izin Tun..Terima kasih..

Waalaikum dear friend Hanan,

I'll try to be concise too.

Freedom of choice.

Allah let's us decide what to choose.Here from Surah Al Kahfi

“Dan katakalah (wahai Muhammad saw): “Kebenaran itu ialah yang datang daripada Tuhan kamu. Maka sesiapa yang mahu beriman, hendaklah dia beriman; dan sesiapa yang mahu ingkar, biarlah dia mengingkarinya...” (Surah al-Kahfi, ayat 29) Firman-Nya lagi: “Dan (bukanlah tanggungjawabmu wahai Muhammad menjadikan seluruh umat manusia beriman), jika Tuhanmu menghendaki nescaya berimanlah sekalian manusia yang ada di bumi. (Janganlah engkau bersedih hati mengenai kedegilan orang yang ingkar itu; kalau Tuhan tidak menghendaki), maka patutkah engkau pula hendak memaksa manusia supaya mereka menjadi orang yang beriman?” (Surah Yunus, ayat 99)

Sorry Hanan..I don't have this translation in English.

[[• You never greet me with the "assalamualaikum" because I'm a Jew.]]

Sorry again to remind you that our Prophet ( P.B.U.H ) is the one who decreed this.Not me.I wish I could make it easier though.

[[• You suspect the honesty of a non Muslim.]]

. I don't suspect the honesty of non Muslim.Ask S..Tan and Pak Pandir08.When I am wrong I am wrong and says sorry..

[[• You have the Jihad. And here you may find what can a Muslim do in the name of his faith:,7340,L-3760580,00.html.]]

This is their intepretation of Jihad.Not true Muslim teaching.Fullstop.

[[• (if it is not enough, I can find some more of that shame)]]

Agreed.But nowadays tempers fly easily.Do you have road rage in your country?..Here, when rage explodes..people do all kinds of thing and religion is an excuse..

You wrote:
"1) How your God describes Himself?
2) What is the purpose of your religion?
3) If 99 percent of your believer acts against the very teaching tenet of your religion, is your religion at fault or the follower is?"

[[I don't need to justify any of your questions about the purpose of the Jewish religion or God's description since it is not relevant to the "criticism" objective of that post. You'll need to become a Jew to understand that (and it is a very hard process).]]

Hanan..True Muslim that is Mukmin is the replica of our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w..He tell us..

"Moses have been hurt more than I do.But he ( Moses ) is painstakingly patient.

[[I really admire your superior knowledge and placing the fact that 99 percent of the Jews are acting against their own faith. This means two major things of your firm knowledge. One - You know so well Judaism so you don't need to ask the two previous questions. Two - you have a very good and reliable data base with the proper number of Jews who are alike. Isn't it based somehow on the clerics data base?]]

Thank you for your compliment Hanan...You are yourself very knowledgeable..Where's my knowledge comes from?From Allah bestowed "Rahmat"..upon believing heart..Torah is first before Al Quran..your clerics data base share's the same characteristic in Our Al Quran..

Many thanks are a worthy foe in name of friend...:)

Terima kasih Tun..




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