Monday, April 20, 2009

The lies that Blogs spin

The lies that Blogs spin
20 Apr, 2009

Blogs are basically thoughts and opinions of those who own the Blogs. Opinions may not necessarily be the truth or facts. After all, opinions are...well...opinions. To get to the truth, meaning facts, one has to also read the mainstream media, like Utusan Malaysia, which is owned by the ruling party, and compare its information with what Blogs write. Then you will know the truth because the mainstream media is undeniably the propagator of the truth.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Rais: Do not abuse the Internet

(The Star, 17 April 2009) - The government is not out to find fault with bloggers and Internet users but rather wants them to adhere to the guidelines and laws and to ensure the Internet, which acts as an alternative media, is not misused or exploited.

Information, Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said the ministry played an important role in establishing that only the “right kind of information” reached the masses.

“It is not that we are looking for fault all the time. But we would like the right of the people to be guarded by the relevant authorities and the law. Our aim is to see the 1Malaysia concept succeed. However, in order to succeed, the facts must not be twisted or misinterpreted by some until it raises racial sentiments.

“If the right information does not reach the people, how can there be success? So, I want everyone to understand and respect the law,” he said after the ministry’s monthly gathering at the Sultan Abdul Samad building here yesterday.

He added that anybody who violated the law had to answer for his or her action. “There are various laws that govern the rights of people to communicate, especially through the Internet. The ministry, however, would not be taking hasty action against critics as long as they did not flout the Communications and Multimedia Act,” he said.

He added that officers and agencies under the ministry were capable of carrying out their duties and enforcing the Communications and Multimedia Act, and the role of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission.

On another matter he said RTM had full control over the selection of reports for its news segments. He said the media, be it government or private-owned, had the right to choose the news reports they wanted, as long as they were not prejudiced. He said the ministry would only “interfere” when reports are not balanced.

“RTM will remain neutral,’’ said Dr Rais, who was replying to an online news report, which claimed that TV1 was given verbal instructions not to report the boycott incident at the Terengganu state assembly sitting on Tuesday.


Jambatan bengkok wajar dibina – Shahrir

(Utusan Malaysia, 19 April 2009) - Ahli Parlimen Johor Bahru, Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad berkata, jambatan bengkok menghubungkan Malaysia-Singapura wajar diteruskan.

Kata beliau, jambatan yang menghubungkan Tanjung Puteri di Johor dan Woodlands di Singapura itu boleh dilaksanakan dengan semangat setia kawan antara kedua-dua negara.

“Sebagaimana kita maklum kedua-dua Perdana Menteri telah mengadakan pertemuan empat mata di Pattaya, Thailand baru-baru ini dan isu perbincangan berkisar projek ikon ini dan saya yakin ia dibincangkan secara serius.

“Saya menaruh keyakinan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan Lee Hsien Loong telah memperhalusi dan memikirkan secara terperinci berhubung projek ini demi kebaikan bersama,” katanya di sini hari ini.

Mengenai isu jambatan itu yang dibatalkan oleh bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, beliau menjelaskan: “Jika diamati kenyataan Perdana Menteri Singapura sebelum ini ada menyuarakan komitmennya berhubung projek yang dicetuskan oleh Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad dengan menyatakan kerajaan republik itu hanya bersedia turut sama terlibat dengan pembinaan jambatan itu selepas 2007.”

“Ini membawa maksud ketika itu, Singapura telah siap bina Pusat Kastam, Imigresen dan Kuarantin (CIQ) baru yang menjadi pelengkap kepada jambatan baru bagi menggantikan Tambak Johor yang dibina pada 1924 itu,” jelasnya.

Shahrir berkata, pembinaan projek ikon itu juga boleh dijadikan asas kepada lambang penyertaan Singapura dalam pembangunan di Iskandar Malaysia.

Sementara itu di Raub, Dr. Mahathir ketika mengulas gesaan UMNO Johor Bahru berkata, kerajaan sepatutnya tidak menghentikan langsung pembinaan jambatan itu.

“Bohong, kalau kata rakyat Johor tidak mahu jambatan ini dibina,” katanya.

Shahrir against crooked bridge, prefers better ties

(The Star, 20 April 2009) - Johor Baru MP Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad is against the revival of the crooked bridge project and has instead proposed that both countries work together to build a straight one.

He said a straight bridge would be good for building better bilateral ties between both governments. The Singapore Government has agreed on the development of iconic projects in Iskandar Malaysia. “Why not build a straight bridge as one of the iconic projects?” he asked.

Shahrir added that a new straight bridge across the causeway would show renewed bond and would benefit both countries.

“It has come to my attention that many Johoreans are hopeful that our new prime minister and Cabinet will revive the crooked bridge project. The public must understand that bilateral ties between both countries will suffer if the project is revived,” he said, adding that the Malaysian Government should consider all implications when reviewing the project.

The Star had reported recently that many businesses have been suffering since the opening of the new CIQ complex last year and they were counting on the crooked bridge project to be revived to boost business in the city.

Shahrir was speaking to reporters at the launch of an anti-drug community service centre for residents of Taman Sri Stulang yesterday.

On the decision to open the old CIQ complex to pedestrians, Shahrir commended the Government and hoped that it would be implemented soon.

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