Thursday, April 16, 2009

It’s called consensus, stupid!

It’s called consensus, stupid!
16 Apr, 2009

Apalah Melayu Umno ni bodoh sangat. Tak paham lagi ke? Kayu sungguh! Nobody is anybody’s puppet here. Okay? This is called democracy, something you will never understand in a million years. And the democratic way is to rule by consensus, not by strong-arm and bully tactics a la Umno.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Read the piece below that was featured in the New Straits Times today. This Umno mouthpiece is tying to provoke DAP by insinuating that Lim Guan Eng is not really in charge of Penang but in fact Anwar Ibrahim is.

This is exactly what you would expect from the New Straits Times and its sister-newspaper, Utusan Malaysia. Their job it to drive a wedge between the three Pakatan Rakyat members plus split the Malays and non-Malays and bring them to the brink of another May 13.

These people should be hanged upside down from the tallest tree and their bodies allowed to rot in the sun. Just a few weeks ago they campaigned in Bukit Gantang saying that Nizar Jamaluddin is a boneka (puppet) of the DAP. Now, Lim Guan Eng is supposed to be a boneka of PKR. What next? Khalid Ibrahim is a boneka of PAS?

Umno and its lackeys must get one thing very clear. Pakatan Rakyat rules by consensus. For those who learned Bahasa Inggeris in Bahasa Malaysia, consensus means sebulat suara. Sebulat suara means one voice. One voice means all must agree before they do things.

This concept, of course, is very difficult for Umno to understand. Umno’s concept is as follows. We, Umno, the defenders of Ketuanan Melayu, decide and MCA, MIC, Gerakan, etc., nod their heads and agree or else they can go back to China or India or whatever. That is Barisan Nasional’s interpretation of consensus.

Pakatan Rakyat already announced this during the Kuala Terengganu by-election campaign. Pakatan Rakyat will not make any policy decisions (even those involving Hudud or the Islamic State) unless unanimously agreed by all the three partners. Not two out three. All three. That is the deal.

Umno can’t seem to understand this. So they keep raising issues about Nizar being DAP’s boneka and Guan Eng being PKR’s boneka and so on. No one is anybody’s boneka! Get it? It is just that no one wants to act like Umno who decides on behalf of all the 14 members of Barisan Nasional what to do while telling all the rest to go to hell. That is not Pakatan Rakyat’s style. And this was announced during the Kuala Terengganu by-election.

Apalah Melayu Umno ni bodoh sangat. Tak paham lagi ke? Kayu sungguh! Nobody is anybody’s puppet here. Okay? This is called democracy, something you will never understand in a million years. And the democratic way is to rule by consensus, not by strong-arm and bully tactics a la Umno.


Is Guan Eng in charge of state or Anwar?
New Straits Times, 16 April 2009

Barisan Nasional component party leaders have lashed out at Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for not keeping to his promise to announce the candidate for the deputy chief minister (DCM) I post yesterday.

They want to know who is in control of the state: whether Lim is still in power or de facto Parti Keadilan Rakyat leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

State Umno secretary and state opposition leader Datuk Azhar Ibrahim said that Lim, as chief minister, had the prerogative to name his deputy.

"I do not understand why he must kowtow to Anwar? Why can't he decide on his own?

"The million dollar question which now begs for an answer is who is the real chief minister of Penang?" he told the New Straits Times.

Lim was reported to have said the DCM I post would remain vacant for the time being to give Anwar more time to resolve the party's internal issues.

State Gerakan chairman Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan said the issue showed that the Pakatan state government was in a state of disarray.

"It looks like Lim is not in control of the state government any more. He has also reneged on the competency, accountability and transparency-style of administration which he continues to advocate."

Dr Teng said the appointment was an important one to help Lim and others in the state executive council to address pressing issues at hand, such as the global economic crisis.

State MCA executive adviser Lau Chiek Tuan felt it was sufficient for Penang to have one deputy chief minister.

"If Lim insists in wanting another deputy, he should decide on the matter and not leave it to Anwar."

The DCM I post was left vacant after Mohamad Fairus Khairuddin tendered his resignation on March 22. The resignation took effect on April 8.

The two contenders for the post are Batu Maung state assemblyman Abdul Malik Abul Kassim and Sungai Bakap state assemblyman Maktar Shapee.

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