Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dear RPK

Dear RPK
26 Feb, 2009

Today, we will look at my responses to the comments in the article, For he’s a jolly good fellow (


Raja Petra Kamarudin

I oppose MB Khalid running to the sultan regarding Eli's case. Sultan should only exercise his duties within the ambit of the Constitution, no more no less. And yes, he should be above politics.



Dear aryn,

And which Article of the Selangor State Constitution were you referring to?


The Royals have two roles... to be a figurehead for all Malaysians and to be the upholders of Islam for the Malays.



Dear densemy,

Are you referring to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia or the various State Constitutions? By the way, Islam is the official religion of the Federation, not of the Malays, according to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia.


I don’t see the point of this article. We expect the royals to do their duty as Constitutional Monarchs, which is more or less what Sultan Selangor did. Maybe RPK missed the article by our former appeal court judge on the Perak issue on why the Perak Sultan could have erred in that issue. That’s one of the things that make people angry and say all kind of things.



Dear murali,

Maybe you can help trigger my memory. At 58 pushing 59, age, sooner or later, catches up on you. So a little help is in order. I have been scanning through the archives looking for the article I wrote that said His Highness the Sultan of Perak was right but can’t seem to find it.


Support does not necessarily need to be a direct, visible one. In fact, indirect support can be just as potent, if not more. And I am also sure many of us will be there in spirit if YM RPK gets sent back (but not so sure of Malaysians' "stamina" in remembering daily the people in unjust detention).



Dear sulphate,

Great suggestion. In the next general election, whenever that is going to be, we should all support Pakatan Rakyat in spirit. I mean, it is not necessary to actually be there in person to vote. As long as we support Pakatan Rakyat in spirit I am sure they will be able to win the election.


These are fundamental issues, which we must deal with. If we are not brave enough and continue to fudge moral, philosophical and democratic values, then we as Malaysians will be caught in the morass, which we are in now for a long time yet!



Dear Proarte,

This is the best comment so far. Now I only have to figure out what you actually said. I like that part about being brave, though. I mean, who but you dare put his full name and address to his/her posting like how you have done.


I will eat my shoe and campaign all out for him.

Admiral Tojo


Dear Admiral Tojo,

Shoe fetish is actually quite a common thing. Many men get really turned on by sucking women’s high heels. It gives them an adrenalin rush during sex. That is by far much safer than asphyxiation, which can sometimes lead to death.


Today the devil has entered RPK’s mind and that is why he wrote crap!



Dear ahmadneil,

The devil is actually quite smart, at least according to the Holy Books of the Abrahamic faiths. The devil is so smart he managed to make a deal with God to mislead mankind and, know what, God agreed to the deal. I am sure if the devil had really entered my mind I would not have written crap. I wrote crap because I had no assistance from the devil.


Can I be wrong if I say I want Malaysia to be a Republic, not because I don't like the Sultan, but because I think a republic is better and can save a lot of money and criticism?



Dear ahmadneil,

It all depends on whether you are speaking from the legalistic point of view. According to Malaysia’s Sedition Act, asking for the Monarchy to be abolished and for the country to be turned into a Republic constitutes a crime. I suggest you go turn yourself in at the nearest police station. But get a good lawyer first, though. You will need one.


Today, RPK wrote just because we all say something about the Sultan of Perak and RPK don't like the way we said it. He has royal blood and so if he say it then it's okay but if we say it then it's not okay.



Dear ahmadneil,

I just want to keep your sorry arse out of jail. Thus far, more than a dozen people who commented in Malaysia Today have received visits from the police and one has actually been charged for sedition and is awaiting trial. I too was hauled in to Bukit Aman for criticising the Negeri Sembilan ruler back in 2004. They raided my house and confiscated my computer. But then I made the mistake of writing under my own name and not under a fictitious name like you. Anyway, I do hope you are ‘well-covered’. If not, well, then it was nice knowing you.


Dear RPK, I think you have made a couple of statements that are not really proper.



Dear tanahairku2,

Hey, you sound just like Umno. Umno too says that I have made a couple of statements which are not really proper. What a coincidence.


RPK, isn't this exactly what you taught us to do? Support Anwar and PR when they do right and whack them when they do wrong? Well, the same applies to the sultans. If they act wisely and do not usurp the people's vote, then we indeed ought to honour, not worship, them. But if they knowingly take what is ours and give it to the thieves, then we will indeed vilify them, as we have done to the Sultan of Perak and as we will do to the Sultan of Selangor if he does as his uncle did. Maybe we don't always sound intelligent, but give us some credit for being smart enough to differentiate between a fart and a whiff of perfume.



Dear Liberace,

Liberace was gay. Is that why you chose this name? Hmm…wink, wink….

Sure, whack the Sultans by all means. I did not say you should not whack them did I? I too have whacked them many times. In fact, I not only whacked the late Sultan of Selangor, who was then the Agong, but also the entire Royal Council of Selangor, many who are my uncles. And the present Sultan of Selangor was not spared either.

Tuanku called me in to the palace one day to talk to me about that and I told him why I whacked him and he agreed that the matter had merits -- meaning they deserved the whacking. But just make sure you are prepared to face the Sedition Act when the boys in blue from Buklt Aman track you down. Be vocal but also be brave enough to pay for being vocal. I am not saying that I agree we should not be allowed freedom of speech. I am saying that Malaysia does not allow freedom of speech. And that is what Malaysia Today is fighting for -- freedom of speech.


DYMM Sultan of Perak is a Constitutional Monarch. So DYMM should act according to the law. The Constitution had clearly spelt out how to sack the MB. If he follows the Constitution I don’t think Perak Constitutional crisis will occur.



Dear Rozlan,

And what does the Perak State Constitution say about the matter? Please enlighten me because I am yet to read it.


This RPK, I told you once, he have a pair of suspicious 'Tiger Look' eye, very unpredictable, its difficult to read his mind, very slippery, read carefully the contents of this article of his, if you don’t understand, repeat until you find out what he means, it look simple, but very complicated, not easy, very uneasy, good luck, folks!!!



Dear biggun129,

You sound very confused.


As for the royalties and I admit I am one of them that call for Republic of Malaysia because I expect too much out of one of the most educated royalty in Malaysia.



Dear Daryl,

Sorry, but the Federal Constitution of Malaysia does not provide for that. But all is not lost. The Philippines, Indonesia, China, etc., are all Republics. So there is still hope for you there.


This is the second article YM RPK have posted calling the PR people dumb-ass chickens who are no match to thieves and foxes. So you whack the PR people for being stupid instead of corrupt. Hmm….

teo siew chin


Dear teo siew chin,

That’s just the point. Some of the Pakatan Rakyat people -- PPK, PAS and DAP included -- are corrupt. If not then Barisan Nasional would not be able to buy them for any amount of money.


So Uncle Pete, u r saying HRH made the rite decision in Perak? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!

Ok, now I only know I am an idiot!



Dear smeagrooo,

I suppose you are an idiot, as you say, when you read my article as saying that His Highness the Sultan of Perak did the right thing when I never said such a thing.


I am with Ahmadneil on establishing a Republic Malaysia rather than the current constitutional monarch. Why? The current system is open to abuse like what we saw in Perak. I think we are better off without the sultans.



Dear tan_eng,

I have to agree with you here. Any system open to abuse has to be abolished. I would like to abolish elections, parliament, the judiciary, the police, the government in general, education, and almost everything -- as these are prone to abuse as well, as this country has shown.


I stand to be corrected if RPK can point to us where does it say in the Perak state constitution that the Sultan can sack the MB.



Dear shamadz72,

I am not sure. I have not read the Perak State Constitution yet. Maybe you can enlighten me.


Frankly who gives a Damn about Agong and Sultan now after the Perak hero to zero Fiasco? Only those people who hold on to tradition, songkok and Myth think this Sultan S'gor did some EXTRAORDINARY and Superlative Feat/decision to MB Khalid!!



Dear Wongnoball,

I have to agree with you. Traditions suck. Why the hell do Malaysians fight so hard to uphold old and outdated traditions like lion dances, mother-tongue education, places of worship, and all that nonsense. Hey, as you said, who gives a damn about traditions? Some traditions are in fact new inventions, which did not exist back in the old days thousand of years ago, Chinese traditions being one case in point.


RPK, most of the time, I really love to read your articles. But, out of hundreds or maybe thousands articles that you or someone else have posted it in MT, this is the third among thousands articles that really make me sick, feel ill, and stomach-ache!!



Dear Tompios

It must have been something you ate yesterday. If, today, you still feel sick, ill, and have a stomach-ache, maybe you should go see a doctor in case it is something serious.


In times like this when the politician are playing extremely dirty, don't you think someone who is respectable and royal should come out and say a few fair words to stop all this nonsense?



Dear joseph81,

I am not sure what you mean by ‘fair words’. Also, do you mean that the Monarchs should not stay above politics and remain neutral? I’m a bit confused here. We can’t ask the Monarchs to remain neutral when Pakatan Rakyat is having the upper hand and then ask them to intervene when Pakatan Rakyat’s position is at stake.

The ‘fair’ thing for the Sultans of Perak and Selangor to do would have been to swear in the legally registered political party with the largest minority (no one had the majority) in the State Assembly soon after the 8 March 2008 general election. And that would have been Barisan Nasional since it is a legally registered party and has more seats than all the other parties such as PKR, PAS and DAP.

But the Sultans of Perak and Selangor did not play ‘fair’. They allowed Pakatan Rakyat a week’s grace to combine the seats of the three individual parties so that they can ‘outgun’ Barisan Nasional. But Barisan Nasional did not whack the Sultans. They just quietly licked their wounds and retreated to fight another day. Then they researched into which of the Pakatan Rakyat Wakil Rakyat are corrupt and can be bought. And then they went on a shopping spree and bought over the corrupt Pakatan Rakyat Wakil Rakyat.

And you know what? We knew all along they were buying over Pakatan Rakyat Wakil Rakyat but we did nothing about it. In fact, we said ‘our people’ could not be bought. But we were wrong. They could be bought and were bought. And we whack the Sultans because the Pakatan Rakyat Wakil Rakyat are slime-balls and scumbags who are corrupt and can be bought.

I feel like kicking myself, not the Sultans. When I drop my pants and bend down and someone buggers my arsehole I feel stupid if I knew all along that that person was standing behind me with an erection and waiting to shove his dick into my arse.

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