Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Syed Hamid's act a stroke of genius

Syed Hamid's act a stroke of genius
30 Sept, 2008

Why do people think what Syed Hamid did to RPK is dumb? In one stroke of his pen, he managed to inflict tremendous hurt to Anwar.

With RPK imprisoned for such a long time, many have lost hope or are losing hope of there ever being a change in the government. They may still want Pakatan in power, but when asked if they still support Anwar, many are now hesitating. They blame Anwar for procrastinating. They blame Anwar for each day that RPK remains locked away.

DO NOT ALLOW SYED BOTAK TO MANIPULATE YOU! Yes, deadlines have been broken time and time again but Malaysians still need to believe that change can happen. Even if you do not want to believe in Anwar's or Pakatan's promises any longer, we can still make this change happen.

We people have a say as well. Why do we need to keep depending on someone to lead us? Such leaders can always be locked away. But if ALL of us start doing our little bit to help, there are just not going to be enough space in our prisons to hold all of us.

Everyone of us are able to contribute to change, even if it may be considered extremely miniscule to others. But all these little acts of showing solidarity will add up. It does not matter what others choose to do. Why put them down for not doing enough? We are all together in this. Some do not mind a bigger role but others still need to conquer their fears. It is ok. We all want the same things.

Let us show Syed Hamid that he did not sign away our spirit.

By Freedom for All

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