Sunday, September 14, 2008

RPK in danger! Pakatan Rakyat must move now!

RPK in danger! Pakatan Rakyat must move now!

15 Sept, 2008

Got a call from lil hummingbird.

We must meet. RPK is in danger.”

We met.

You look like shit!”, he said.

I feel like that as well”, I replied.

You remember when RPK was in remand at Sungai Buloh the last time and he refused to eat or drink and the prison authorities got so worried that they begged his wife to get him out?

Well, RPK is on hunger strike again. No food and no water. The authorities know that his kidneys will not be able to take this for long too long. They are going to let this carry on in the hope that complications set in and that he will suffer organ malfunction.

That’s why even though there are news reports that Teresa’s family will be allowed to see her, probably tomorrow, there is no word that RPK’s family will be allowed the same. Lawyers have already written asking that they be permitted to meet with RPK but no word yet.

They’re going to wait until his condition is critical before they get him medical attention. By then it will be too late. RPK would already be dead.

That’s what they are banking on. They’ll say he brought it on himself.

You people can hold all the vigils you want. That’s not going to get him out.

Pakatan have to move now. Anwar has to stop this nonsense of waiting for enough Malay MPs to crossover before he seeks the audience with the Agong to intimate that Pak Lah has lost the confidence of the majority of MPs in Parliament. Didn’t the rakyat reject race-based politics at the last general elections and at Permatang Pauh? Go form the federal government now.

Anwar has the numbers already, so he should not delay any longer.

RPK has been without food or water since Friday. He’s not going to last long.

We must get him out now. Otherwise the authorities will be returning him to us in a coffin!

And we can only get RPK out now if Pakatan takes over immediately”.

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