Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Marina - Straight From My Heart

Marina - Straight From My Heart
25 Sept, 2008


First Time To Kamunting Detention Centre

By Marina Lee Abdullah

This morning my family and I went to Kamunting to visit Pet. This being our first time there we left home 6am just to make sure we don't miss the schedule time allowed : 8.30am to 2pm and the family is allowed weekly visits from Monday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday. We brought some food, fruits, drinks, one pair of jeans, t shirt and his glasses.

When we reached the gates of the Kamunting Detention Centre, we had to register at the gates and proceeded into the prison area, a huge area. There we had to go through another gate and had to deposit all our belongings into two lockers. Went through a door and told to go to counter 10. When we approached counter 10 there was this partition with no grills or glass, Pet was already sitting there waiting for us.

My first reaction was to run and give him a real big hug and kiss, at the same time my heart feeling so heavy seeing this hero of mine on the other side. Pet was sitting down and wearing white prison clothes. He has lost weight, looked very pale probably not seeing sunlight for almost 2 weeks now, his beard and hair growing longer.

At that point I had tears in my eyes but was trying really hard holding back my tears. I really did not want him to see me cry that would only make it really hard for him. I reached out to hold and rub his hands and did not let go for a minute. He was glad to see us because the last time we saw him was 8 days ago at Bukit Aman.

I asked him how he was coping and he said hard being under solitary confinement and it is for 3 months and after that only will he be able to interact with the other detainees. He will be moved into a dormitory where he will get to watch TV and read newspapers, New Straits Times and Utusan Malaysia.

He said he had 3 ustaz ( religious teacher) visit him this morning questioning about his religious knowledge and beliefs. The questioning was cut short cause of the family visit and would continue in the afternoon.

I told him to please be strong and don't let them get to him. I said "Honey they have got your body but not your mind and soul, hang in there love we've coming to get you. The Pakatan Rakyat is on track to takeover the government. Just give us a bit more time, ok?"

I told him that this time around there is a difference on the use of ISA and that he had made that difference. There is tremendous outcry on the use of ISA and that Political Parties within the Barisan Nasional, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim the Law Minister had even resigned for the use of the ISA, the thousands of well wishes and support I have received. People all over are praying and standing behind us on this struggle for change that he has started.

I promised Pet that I will do everything I possibly can with the help of the people to get him released and I will stay strong and tough to keep that promise. I will not fail him.

He told me that word was out at the detention centre that RPK was there, and some of them manage to shout out to him across the brick wall telling him that they just saw him and his wife on TV. They were also trying to comfort him.

At one point I told him that I really needed to hug and that missed him so much and was reaching out to do that but he said he was not allowed to because there were two prison officers watching us and they were noting down everything and there were merits points given or taken away. I said "what's that?" He said that there were certain rules for our visitation and if he break the rules visitation rites could be reduced and so on. I asked him, "you mean to say that giving you a hug is breaking the rules?" He said hugging is considered "kelakuan tak senonoh" improper or unbecoming behavior. I just could not believe it.

He then said that the first visit is the only time we are able to meet face to face and the subsequent visit will be through a screen and will have to talk on the phone. This will be for 9 months and of cause with good behavior from him. They go on merits he said like kindergarden school if you have behaved you get a candy.

He told me that he is being detained on 4 grounds,

  1. 2 articles on Islam
  2. The article on 'Let's Send the Altantuya Murderers to Hell"
  3. Articles on the Leaders
  4. Comments posted on the Blog, one of the commentors he mentioned was by Anti Anti-Hadith and Pet mentioned that he has his own Blog.

By then we were given the last 5mins call, I then told him, "Luv please trust me, we will get you out!"

Dear readers thank you so much for the well wishes that my family and I have received from all of you and I will stay strong with your help and support to take on this fight for change where my husband has left off until he is FREED.

Lots of love from my family and me.

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