Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hong Kong scores highest in judiciary survey, Malaysia 7th

Hong Kong scores highest in judiciary survey, Malaysia 7th

SINGAPORE, Sept 15 - Regional financial centres Hong Kong and Singapore have the best judicial systems in Asia, with Indonesia and Vietnam the worst, a survey of expatriate business executives showed.

In the Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (Perc) survey, Hong Kong"s judicial system topped the vote with a score of 1.45 on a scale on which zero represents the best performance and 10 the worst.

Regional rival Singapore was in second place with a grade of 1.92, followed by Japan (3.50), South Korea (4.62), Taiwan (4.93) and the Philippines (6.10).

Malaysia was in seventh place with a grade of 6.47, followed by India (6.50), Thailand (7.00) and China (7.25). Indonesia got the worst score of 8.26 after Vietnam"s 8.10.

The judiciary -is one of Indonesia"s weakest and most controversial institutions, and many consider the poor enforcement of laws to be the country"s number one problem,- said the survey.

Some court rulings in Indonesia have been -so controversial that they have seriously hurt confidence of foreign companies-, said Perc, without giving specific examples.

The Hong Kong-based consultancy said 1,537 corporate executives working in Asia were asked to rate the judicial systems in the countries where they reside, using such variables as the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) and corruption.

Transparency, enforcement of laws, freedom from political interference and the experience and educational standards of lawyers and judges were also considered.

-Year after year, our perception surveys show close correlation between how expatriates rate judicial systems and how they rate openness of a particular economy,- Perc said.

-Better judicial systems are associated with better IPR protection, lower corruption and wealthier economies.-

The less favourable perception of China"s and Vietnam"s judicial systems are rooted in political interference, Perc said, adding that the Communist Party -is above the law in both countries-.

Despite India and the Philippines being democracies, expatriates did not look favourably on their judicial systems because of corruption, Perc added.

Malaysia"s judicial system has suffered a -serious reputation damage due to political interference-, while expatriates in Thailand -have serious doubts- that moves to expand the judiciary"s powers will be good for the country, it said.

-In Singapore, the general perception of expatriates is that local politics has not compromised the way commercial and criminal law is conducted,- Perc said. - TODAY

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