Monday, August 11, 2008

The plot to frame Anwar is revealed!

The plot to frame Anwar is revealed!
Wednesday, 30 July 2008 17:13

The civilised world must be outraged by what is taking place in Malaysia. Justice is being trampled upon and truth is being sacrificed for political expediency without shame or remorse. And it is not fair that we have to suffer this humiliation.

Thinking Malaysians are perplexed how on earth the police went ahead to investigate Anwar Ibrahim for sodomy even though there were allegedly medical reports confirming that there was no basis for their action.

According to the medical report in the possession of Malaysiakini, Saiful was never sodomised by anyone, least of all by Anwar Ibrahim. Dr Mohamed Osman Hamid from the Hospital Pusrawi had confirmed this fact after physically examining Saiful on 28 June 2008.

Yet four hours later, Saiful made a police report at the police pondok in Hospital Kuala Lumpur that Anwar had sodomised him. At 6.00pm on that day, Saiful went to Hospital Kuala Lumpur for his second medical examination which, according to an unverified report by Raja Petra, also confirmed that Saiful was not sodomised. Nevertheless, he made his police report against Anwar.

The police cannot claim that they were in the dark over the existence of these reports. In any case, the police are required to send victims of rape or sodomy for a medical examination to confirm the allegations and collect vital medical evidence for prosecution purposes.

When Saiful made that damning report against Anwar, he must have surely disclosed to the police that such an examination had already been carried out by doctors. That being the case, the police would have obtained these reports and must be fully aware that the police report made by Saiful was therefore without any merit.

Yet, why was Anwar arrested, questioned and detained? Doesn’t this indicate that there was a plot to vilify him and convict him on false charges? If the police had acted professionally, would they have gone ahead with what they had done, unnecessarily putting to risk their reputation and credibility? Or were they taking instructions from politicians who felt threatened and therefore were bent on destroying Anwar to preserve their power base?

The whole sodomy episode reeks with injustice and stinks to high heaven. This sordid affair brings to mind something that was said long ago: “Of all injustice, that is the greatest which goes under the name of law, and of all sorts of tyranny the forcing of the letter of the law against equity, is the most insupportable.”

Under the circumstance, Aliran is horrified and revolted that the police have seemingly paid scant respect to the rule of law. They owe an explanation to the public.

There are reports floating around that Dr Mohamed Osman Hamid from the Hospital Pusrawi had gone missing because it is alleged that he is being harassed to change the report to implicate Anwar. Aliran would like to know if this is true.

  • Aliran would like to know whether the medical report in the possession of Malaysiakini apparently from Hospital Pusrawi and signed by Dr Mohamed Osman Hamid is genuine and a true and faithful copy of the original report that is with Hospital Pusrawi.
  • Aliran would like to know whether the police is brave enough to make public the existing reports from hospital Puswari and Hospital Kuala Lumpur in order to end the rumours circulating that these reports have indeed vindicated Anwar Ibrahim.
  • Aliran would like to know in the event when these reports are verified as true and genuine whether the police would forthwith drop all charges against Anwar and stop hounding him as if he has a case to answer.
  • Aliran would like to know when it is established that Saiful had made a false report to the police whether he would be arrested and charged immediately.
  • Aliran would like to know the unseen hands behind this episode who had apparently used Saiful to frame Anwar for their political survival.

This matter has dragged on long enough and it is time to bring it to a closure without any further delay. Will the Prime Minister out of respect for the dignity of the human being and in fairness to justice display common decency in setting up a Commission of Inquiry to bring to book all those who had tarnished our nation with their nefarious activities which had brought to question the credibility of our police force?

P Ramakrishnan


29 July 2008


  1. Anyway in Malaysia we have uncivilised barbarians who rule the country and make laws in parliament.........

    Just look at them, they are so proud of themselves..

    They are proud to say they have " limited"'s like saying " i have limited brains " and to be proud about it

  2. Permatang Pauh Voters decide for Nation? - Appeal by Nostradamus.
    Pengundi Permatang Pauh tentukan untuk Negara? – Rayuan oleh Nostradamus.

    1. Voters of Permatang Pauh will vote come 26 August 2008. Who to vote for and What to vote for?
    Pengundi-pengundi Permatang Pauh akan undi menjelang 26 Ogos 2008. Mengundi Siapa and mengundi untuk Apa?

    2. 50 Questions to test your Conscience at
    50 Soalan untuk menguji Suara Hati anda di

  3. RPK believes the sodomy plot was hatched by Shafee Abdullah, a worthy successor to V.K. Lingam if ever there was one, going by his track record in recent years. Musa Hassan cannot be overlooked as a prime suspect, even if he's officially off the case. And, of course, KJ's 4th floor boys have much to lose when Pakatan Rakyat sweeps into power - the sooner the better, I say!

  4. Remember how our pohleece blew up Altantunya because they had no idea who Hitchcock's the same dungus running the show....a bunch of drop outs in cant expect more from these guys.....rule of law had long broken down in are on your own...

  5. It's certainly wrong to frame
    Any innocent man and put to blame
    Whatever claim that's of great shame
    And allowing rumours to fan the flame

    (C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 110808
    Mon. 11th Aug. 2008.

  6. its ok lah. We just want food on the table. We don't care if Najib killed Ataltunya with C4 or if Anwar raped Saiful up his ass with a plastic toy. I don't think care and you don't care. If you care, you won't be Malaysian anymore. Malaysia BOLEH.

  7. sadly there are some malaysians still believe in BN/UMNO crooked 'explanation'

    Anwar has no choice but to fight back.

  8. Yes..! Anwar MUST fight back. BN can go ................!
    We, the rakyat, support Anwar! Juat think...! Malaysia & Malaysians have never been this disgraceful before!
    The world is laughing at us...!

    Pssst! I don't tell people I'm from Malaysia anymore. (For the time being lah!)
