Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Permatang Pauh reinforces message of March 8th

Permatang Pauh reinforces message of March 8th

by Dr. Chen Man Hin


Anwar Ibrahim won by a clear majority of 15,671 votes in a constituency representative of the multiracial composition in Malaysia.

It is a very significant victory for the Pakatan Rakyat philosopy of democracy, justice, racial equality, freedom of religion, rule of law and transparency.

It is particularly significant as Malays form 69% of the electorate (41,000) with a good mix of Chinese and other races.

This is particulary galling to UMNO to see that their traditional Malay ground has rejected their policy of ketuanan melayu, corruption and cronysm.

The people of Permatang Pauh have spoken for the people of malaysia. They want change for a new Malaysia where all Malaysians whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, and indigenous races of Kadazans, Ibans, Bidayuhs and others, have an equal and just place under the Malaysian sun.

Prime Minister Datuk Abdullah should also take heed of Permatang Pauh’s rejection of his government’s conspiracy to charge Anwar of sodomy to prevent him from challenging his government and become the new Prime Minister of Malaysia. They regard the sodomy charge as fictitious. Only 11% of the people believe it according to prominent pollster Merdeka Centre, while 89% reject the sodomy charge.

The people have spoken. Anwar is THE ONE. He will lead the country to a new Malaysia of democracy, justice, rule of law and equal opportunities for all.

1 comment:

  1. A Sinking “Titanic” (BN) in Malaysia? (The show has just begun!)
    (Versi Bahasa Melayu dibawah)

    Malaysia’s Titanic (BN) was deemed unsinkable when it was first launched. Even when it hit an iceberg on 8 March 2008, it was so hard to accept that the ship will sink. When all efforts to save the ship from sinking was finally abandoned, the Captain (DSAB) just stood silently awaiting the fate as a forlorn man. He was hoping the Carpentia or some other nearby ships will come in time to save the passengers. It was sad to see the Captain firing off some distress flares to alert the Carpentier, but the Carpentier’s Captain (DSNTR) was just not convinced that the Titanic was in distress.

    In between is a love story of Leonardo DiCaprio (DSAI) and Kate Winslet (Azizah). Azizah refused to abandon her love, even though many a times, events show she should just save herself. She held on to hopes, hoping against hope that she and her love can pull thru and both will survive this tragedy. Both suffered mentally and emotionally and in the end, it was Azizah left to tell the tale of a great man who sacrificed himself to save her.

    As for the crew of the Titanic (Little Napoleons) and their friends who are rich and powerful corporate figures, who helped run the ship, did you see the desperation when they found out that the ship is really sinking. Most of them scramble to save their lives and abandon ship and some, with loads of money found they can’t buy anything they wanted, even a place on a lifeboat to save their lives (TDM migration). But not all, for there was a few brave Napoleons who tried to show they are committed to the name of Titanic (BN) and the show continues.

    There was an old couple (MIC & PPP) who just lay in bed waiting for the ship to sink, abandoned by the young and too old to move around anymore. There were also musicians (MCA, PBB, LDP, PBRS, PRS, SAPP, SPDP, SUPP, UPKO) still playing the ship’s songs and died like true musicians dedicated to their role of love for the Titanic music. There were also some crew (GERAKAN) still working to plug the leaks at the bottom of the ship until they themselves died thinking they were heroes not knowing the ship cannot be saved just by plugging some holes.

    Do you know who was the director of Titanic (BN) show? James Cameron (TDM).

    Do you know who the Scriptwriter was? Again TDM!

    Did you know this show was shown around the world?

    Did you know Malaysia has some of the best actors and actresses and supporting casts?

    Anyway, it was just a movie, for the real show has only just begun!

    (Versi Bahasa Malaysia)

    Karamnya “Titanic”(BN) di Malaysia? (Tayangan baru bermula!)

    Titanic (BN) Malaysia dianggap tidak boleh tenggelam semasa dilancarkan dahulu. Sungguhpun terlanggar tungkul air batu pada 8 Mac 2008, ia masih sukar dipercayai bahawa ia akan tenggelam. Apabila segala usaha untuk menyelamatkan kapal didapati sia-sia, Kaptennya (DSAB) berdiri bersendirian menunggu qadar dengan muka penuh dukacita. Dia masih berharap Carpentier atau lain-lain kapal berhampiran akan datang menyelamatkan penumpang-penumpangnya. Amatlah sedih ketika itu, melihat Kaptennya menembak beberapa mercun penyelamat untuk memberi isyarat kepada Carpentier tetapi Kapten Carpentier (DSNTR) masih tidak yakin Titanic dalam keadaan kecemasan.

    Dalam tayangannya, ada babak percintaan antara Leonardo DiCaprio (DSAI) dan Kate Winslet Azizah). Azizah enggan meninggalkan kekasihnya walaupun terdapat beberapa kejadian yang memungkinnya meninggal kekasihnya dan menyelamatkan diri. Dia memegang kuat kepada harapan agar kedua-dua mereka akan dapat mengharungi bencana yang ditimpa dan akan diselamatkan dari tragedi tersebut. Kedua-dua mereka melalui seksaan mental dan emosional dan diakhirnya tinggal Azizah sahaja yang bercerita berkenaan seorang seorang lelaki yang mengorbankan nyawanya demi menyelamatkan beliau.

    Tentang anak-anak kapal Titanic (Little Napoleons) yang menguruskan kapal dan sahabat-sahabat mereka yang kaya dan berwatak korporat, adakah anda nampak muka-muka cemas mereka semasa kapal sedang tenggelam? Ramai antara mereka berebut-rebut menyelamatkan diri untuk meninggalkan kapal dan antara mereka yang kaya-raya, baru tersedar bahawa wang tidak dapat membelikan segala-galanya termasuk satu tempat duduk diatas bot penyelamat untuk menyelamatkan diri (Hijrah TDM). Tetapi bukan semua yang berperangai bagitu. Ada beberapa di antara mereka (Napoleon) yang masih berani mempertahankan nama Titanic dan tayangannya menyambung semula.

    Terdapat sepasang orang tua (MIC & PPP) yang terbaring di katil menunggu kapal tengelam yang ditinggalkan mereka oleh anak-anak muda dan tidak larat pula bergerak menyelamatkan diri. Terdapat juga pemain-pemain muzik (MCA, PBB, LDP, PBRS, PRS, SAPP, SPDP, SUPP, UPKO) yang masih memainkan lagu-lagu kapal Titanic, demikianlah sayangnya mereka kepada muzik Titanic. Juga terdapat anak-anak kapal (GERAKAN) yang masih bekerja di bahagian bawah kapal yang cuba menutup kebocoran tetapi akhirnya mati dengan menganggap diri mereka wira tampa mengetahui kapal sudah tidak dapat diselamatkan dengan hanya menutup kebocoran kapal.

    Adakah anda ketahui siapakah Direktor tayangan Titanic (BN)? James Cameron (TDM).

    Adakah anda ketahui siapakah penulis skrip? Masih TDM.

    Adakah anda ketahui tayangan ini dipernunjukan serata dunia?

    Adakah anda ketahui Malaysia mempunyai ramai pelakon-pelakon lelaki dan wanita dan pembantu-pembantu seniman dan seniwati.

    Tak apalah, ia cuma sebuah tayangan. Tayangan sebenar baru bermula.
