Saturday, August 16, 2008

PAS: We will not betray Pakatan Rakyat, says Abdul Hadi

Pas’ 54th Muktamar: We will not betray Pakatan Rakyat, says Abdul Hadi

IPOH: As long as it is not betrayed, Pas will stick with the Pakatan Rakyat alliance, its president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said.

At the same time, the Islamist party would not ignore calls to engage in talks aimed at addressing the concerns of Muslims and society in general, he said.

Abdul Hadi said Pas had never double-crossed its coalition partners.

"We have always kept our promises, as long as our trust is not betrayed.

"I want to stress this again, Pas will remain loyal to our (Pakatan Rakyat) agreement," he said in his policy speech at the opening of the party's 54th muktamar (general assembly) here yesterday.
Knowing well that two issues -- the muzakarah (unity talks) with Umno and the party's standing in Pakatan Rakyat -- had become intense talking points with the grassroots, the firebrand leader approached the subjects with care.

The two issues are expected to be hotly debated in the muktamar, which is being held in the state for the first time, over the next few days.

The party came under fire at the Pas Youth assembly on Thursday when several delegates attacked the leadership for being doormats to its two alliance partners.

They claimed the Selangor and Penang governments were sidelining the party and Islamic issues.

Abdul Hadi pointed out that the decision to form an alliance with Parti Keadilan Rakyat and DAP was a collective one by the party leadership and endorsed by the syura council, its highest decision-making body.

This alliance was established on common grounds to ensure justice for the people, without encroaching on the rights or compromising on the ideologies of its partners.

Pas would keep its end of the bargain but only if the others did, too.

Abdul Hadi then explained why Pas chose to engage in talks with Umno and assured the party faithful that the meetings were held strictly with the aim of resolving the problems of the Muslim community.

"Such an approach is demanded by the Quran and Sunnah," he told the delegates.

The packed Indera Mulia stadium had been quiet until then but his next statement was probably what the delegates had been waiting for all along.

"At the same time, these talks must be conducted carefully, and with wisdom, and not to save those who are drowning.

"Pas will never cooperate with any party or government that is diseased," he said to loud applause and shouts of "Allahu Akbar".

He assured party members that such initiatives would, in future, be decided by the grassroots.

The party would not rule out holding a special assembly to debate the matter.

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