Sunday, August 17, 2008

Let's get more signatures! Do it now!

Let's get more signatures! Do it now!
17 Aug, 2008

Let’s get at least 10,000 signatures, more than that if we can. Surely at least 10% of you 1.5 million Malaysia Today readers can do that. That should come to 150,000 signatures, not a mere and pathetic 5,715.

Malaysia Today

Hey guys and gals. I hear you. You are talking about standing behind Malaysia Today in fighting against oppression, injustice, racism, wastage of public funds, abuse of power, corruption, manipulation of the judicial process, and much more. But only 5,715 of you appear interested in supporting the petition to our Agong.

Show that you really care and are not just a load of hot air. Please sign this petition to the Agong. Go here to sign it (Petisyen Kepada KeBawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong berkenaan pemulihan Badan Kehakiman). Do it now and spread the word to all and sundry.

Let’s get at least 10,000 signatures, more than that if we can. Surely at least 10% of you 1.5 million Malaysia Today readers can do that. That should come to 150,000 signatures, not a mere and pathetic 5,715. Come on. Show that you really care and are not fakes who talk only but refuse to act.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I signed last week.
