Friday, August 15, 2008

It's not political, says Saiful

It's not political, says Saiful
16 Aug, 2008

Q: Where did you disappear to after lodging the police report on June 26?
A: I did not not disappear. I kept silent to build my strength because I was slandered by Anwar Ibrahim. That is my excuse (for disappearing).

Q: Why did you take the oath one day before nomination day in the Permatang Pauh by-election where Anwar will be contesting?
A: I wanted to do this some time ago. I have been meaning to do this. But I had to build up my mental strength first. It is not easy to do this.

Q: Were you in love with Datuk Seri Anwar?
A: No... no

Q: Are you straight?

A: Yes, definitely.

Q: How do you feel after taking the oath?
A: I feel relieved. For the first time, I feel calm and can face the world.

Q: Do you plan to campaign in Permatang Pauh?
A: This is not a political matter. It's personal.

Several other questions were asked, including why he had gone to see Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, his visit to Hospital Pusrawi and on the number of occasions he was sodomised. Mohd Saiful said he would answer all questions in court.

Anwar was charged on Aug 7 at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court with committing carnal intercourse against the order of nature at a condominium in June.

He claimed trial and alleged that it was a conspiracy against him. The case will be mentioned on Sept 10.

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Anwar: Saiful was directed by police to do it

BUTTERWORTH: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim accused the police of forcing Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan to swear at the Kuala Lumpur mosque yesterday that he had been sodomised by the Pakatan Rakyat de facto leader. "Saiful did so after being directed by the police.

"It is obvious because Saiful is now under police custody," he said at a ceramah in Seberang Jaya last night.

Anwar claimed that in 1998, police had also forced Sukma Dermawan Sasmitaat Madja to confess that he had been sodomised by Anwar.

Sukma, Anwar's adopted brother, was sentenced to jail terms in 1998 and 2000 in connection with sodomy cases against the former deputy prime minister.

Anwar also questioned the timing of Mohd Saiful's sworn confession, which was on the day before nominations for the Permatang Pauh by-election.

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Sai-full of lies

August 16, 2008

I’ve done this for God and I took my oath in the house of God, that I was humiliated and sodomised by Anwar Ibrahim and I do not wish to lie to the world as he has done’ - statement by Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan after swearing on the Holy Qur’an at the Masjid Wilayah at Jalan Duta yesterday, as reported by Malaysiakini.

Er, Saiful, you did lie to the whole world yesterday.

Saiful was asked by a reporter to explain how the timing was so close to nomination date for the Permatang Pauh by-election.

Saiful replied : It’s all a coincidence. We don’t know that Anwar is going to contest…

Read the rest of the article here.

BTW A photo from the Olympics:

Brazil's Larissa Fran


  1. Dear Readers of Adik Nuraini Samad,

    I just want to remind all and sundry that the Islamic Civilisation has a established a Judicial System right from the beginning.

    Today in Malaysia it comes under the direct Purview of the Agong in the Federal Territories, Melaka, Penang, Sabah & Sarawak and the Sultans elsewhere.

    It has Judges, Adocates and Bailiffs and even Sheriffs, otherwise, it may make use of the Agong's Police.

    It has as its corpus of precendents, in the thousands upon thousands of similar cases in its 1400 years of history.

    As for new cases, it guiding principles are the Quran, Hadiths, Ijtihad and Qiyas. And that it has enough Legal Jurists to attend to formulate new laws as for example Cyber Laws as an example.

    Stems cells, Genetic Engineering and such like matters can always go back to Verses of the Quran and Hadith. One need only look for the Learned, Discerned Scholar that is around in this world.

    Anyway, it is NOT so much the problem of the Muslim Community but imported by Western educated scholars whoare not trained classically or traditionally in both Western & The Traditions.

    Saiful and his family are badly advised by UNLEARNED people and those who pretend to be Islamic Scholars and Legal Advocates who are thoproughly trained in ALL the Schools of Jurisprudence [Fiqh]and the Principles and Philosophy of Islamic Law.

    The Masjid Wilayah Officials, ie. the Imams, and the Director of Jawi have committed a CONTEMPT of the Federal Territory Syariah Laws and Courts.

    The case is still pending under Syariah laws and Courts.

    The manner adn conduct of the "swearing or oath proclamation" is NOT in consonant with the Syariah, Fiqh [All Schools] neither it is consonant with ehe Legal and Philosphy of Islamic Law, & Theology.

    By protocol, the 2 litigants should be present in the Syariah Court standing/sitting before the Learned Judges and Learned Scholars ONLY after EXHAUSTINg all avenues of the Syariah Courts and the Appeal to the Yang DiPertuan Agong to intervene.

    And, it normal and expected of one of the 2 litigants to show GREAT Anger, CRY, Traumatized, and totally at a lost, helpless, lonely and unprotected SAVED to Allah swt as his real protector, judge, wise, and all his Beautiful names and attributes.

    He/she normally would rise his hands and no longer trusting the humans around him [ie. the Judges, Scholars and Courts, and even the Agong] but he/she rest his case before his/her Creator Allah All Mighty.

    Shame on All the Judges, Scholars and Amir/Khalifah/Sultan/Agong who cannot help him find justice on earth for which they all collectively and singly are answerable to God.

    God is Great. And to Allah is your return.

  2. Racism to Satanism

    1. If anyone thinks as a Malaysian at heart you will never support any of the current political parties who speaks only about championing or protecting their own race and religious interests. Whether it comes from UMNO, PAS, MCA, MIC, PKR, Gerakan, HINDRAF, PBS, DAP, PPP or whatever new name, it’s called racism and whoever supports that party is called a racist. It is no different from apartheid. It dirties and poisons your soul.
    2. Those who are racists but speak with a fork tongue (Jeyklls), hiding it behind other causes like religion, meritocracy, education, poverty, social reengineering, ethnic rights etc are even worse than self declared racists and can only fit into the category of Satans.
    3. Malaysian racists and the MSN have corrupted the following words which meant differently in other countries example - nationalism, patriotism, royalists, freedom, liberty, corruption, democracy, humanity etc.
    4. Power, Greed, Selfishness and Racism rule in Malaysia and now we include Satanism.

    (Versi Bahasa Melayu)
    Sifat Perkauman kepada sifat Setan(Syaitan)

    1. Jika sesiapa memikir sebagai rakyat Malaysia di hati, anda tidak akan menyokong parti-parti politik sekarang yang cuma bercakap tentang ketuanan atau pembelaan bangsa dan kepercayaan ugama mereka sendiri. Samada ia datang daripada UMNO, PAS, MCA, MIC, Gerakan, HINDRAF, PBS, DAP, PPP atau sebarang nama baru, itulah maksud perkauman dan sesiapa yang menyokong parti tersebut dipanggil seorang rasis. Ia tidak berbedza sangat dengan aparteid. Ia mencemarkan dan meracuni jiwa anda.
    2. Mereka yang rasis tetapi bercakap dengan lidah bercabang (Jeyklls) dengan menyembunyikan di belakang alasan ugama, meritokrasi, pendidikan, kemiskinan, kerombakkan social, kepentingan pribumi dsbnya adalah lebih teruk dari seorang rasis yang diketahui umum dan harus dikategorikan sebagai Setan.
    3. Rakyat Malaysia yang rasis dan MSN telah mencemarkan perkataan-perkataan yang memberi maksud lain di negara-negara asing seperti – nasionalisme, patriotisme, penyokong Raja, kebebasan, kemerdekaan, korupsi, demokrasi, perikemanusiaan dsbnya.
    4. Kuasa, Tamak, Kepentingan diri dan Sifat Perkauman bermaharajalela di Malaysia dan sekarang kita memasukkan Sifat Setan.
