Sunday, August 24, 2008

By-Election In The Month Of Ghosts

By-Election In The Month Of Ghosts

2008-08-24 17:49

This is the foulest and most upsetting by-election I have seen.

During the seventh month on the Chinese calendar, hungry ghosts, greedy ghosts, extremist ghosts and spattering ghosts all rush out of the Hades to create havoc in Permatang Pauh.

Too many tricks of manipulating racial issues, too much of smearing, plus vote buying to put the Permatang Pauh by-election to utter shame.

A list of "Babi Cabinet" is being circulated within the local Malay community, which points out that if someone is elected, he will appoint many "babi" ministers to form the "babi" government.

Seeing this I feel a sudden chill piercing my bones.

In order to win the by-election, some have scattered the anthrax powder to create panic.

The ceramahs held in the kampung are filled with ethnically inspired discourse; which claims that if someone wins the election, the well-being of his community will be betrayed, so that they will lose their political dominance and be plunged into unfathomable depths of self destruction.

To win the election, hatred is being spawned to an extent of near madness. "In order to win, the most sensitive racial nerves are being instigated. The opponent must be thrashed and sent to the deepest Underworld."

If the Seditions Act does have its worth, this is it. But in the name of politics, everything is rendered guiltless.

This by-election has stopped talking about national issues, or those related to the people's day-to-day life. Rationality and justice are but a luxurious joke.

In order to win, the most sensitive racial nerves are being instigated. The opponent must be thrashed and sent to the deepest Underworld.

With nearly 70% of voters being Malays, plus the predominant semi-rural voter culture there, Permatang Pauh has become a typical, traditionally Malay constituency.

In a by-election, such a constituency could be of the insular type, in which any manipulative tricks could be played fearlessly.

This, coupled with the strategy of "losing by a smaller margin means victory," will rake in some unexpected gains if the original support base is consolidated, and additional emotional votes exploited.

However, such a strategy does fetch an exorbitant price. A political party's image and integrity may be at stake. What goes down with that, are the mutual trust among the people as well as the nation's future.

When the by-election is eventually drawn to a close, so is the Month of Hungry Ghosts. All the spectres and spirits will have to return to where they belong. We only worry that some of them may still linger around our mortal world creating disasters. (By TAY TIAN YAN/Translated by DOMINIC LOH/Sin Chew Daily)


  1. It's not just a Penang holiday but a 'Decision Day'
    For all eligible voters to have their say
    Who will be there in this pivotal seat stay
    But make sure no legitimate voting papers go astray

    (C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 240808
    Sun. 24th Aug. 2008.

  2. Beware & take every possible precautions that Flip Flop BN is already running out of ideas except to use every dirty tricks under the sun like faking PKR supporters with imposters to commit crimes in order to tarnish PKR image, spin lies in the MSM they controlled, probably use the biased Election Commission to switch real Ballot Boxes with pre-filled fake Ballot Boxes & shamelessly to bribe old ladies with welfare money, all elderly Voters take the money, you deserve them, but vote in Anwar for a new Government come September 16, 2008 for a new Malaysia.

    Petrol price cut at the last minutes of Permatang Puah By-Election is now the very sign of Desperation of the Flip Flop PeeM’s Wrong Doing:=KJ Flip Flop’s SIL Advisor of the Sinking Titanic BN PeeM’s last minutes Flop Flop Fuel Price Cut in great desperation to fish some votes from the present fiasco of their failed campaign in Permatang Pauh

    As usual the Flip-Flop and Flip-Flop again and again in desperation to cling on to Power, throw out the rotten Flip-Flop Tyranny come Sept 16, 2008

    Sink the titanic BN once and for all come Sept 16, 2008 in a coup de grace

    Permatang Pauh Voters it is your solemn duty as the foremost agent of change to send the Dirty & Corrupted BN to the bottom of the Ocean, & cleanse Malaysia of the Flip Flop rotten problem once and for all.

    August 24, 2008 11:38 PM
