Monday, August 25, 2008

BN's anti-Anwar campaign in Permatang Pauh fails

BN's anti-Anwar campaign in Permatang Pauh fails
25 Aug, 2008

(The Malaysian Insider) - The Barisan Nasional"s campaign to convince Malay voters in Permatang Pauh that Opposition icon Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is a sexual deviant has failed. Also, its decision to anchor the by-election strategy on his accuser"s oath on the Quran has only been partially successful.

At least this is what findings culled from a telephone poll by the Merdeka Centre suggest. Some 544 Malay voters were interviewed between Aug 22 and 24. With inflation at a high of 8.5 per cent, the main issue on the minds of voters is the rising cost of living, followed by the allegations against Anwar and position of the Malays and Islam.

The poll indicates that the BN has not made much headway in damaging Anwar"s credentials as a leader. Only 1 per cent of the 544 respondents believe that he is a sexual criminal. About 44 per cent think of him as a visionary leader who will be able to bring about change while some 25 per cent are convinced that he put personal interests above that of the public.

Ibrahim Suffian of the Merdeka Centre said that it appeared that Saiful"s swearing on the Quran that he had been sodomised by Anwar was somewhat successful. He noted that only 15 per cent of Malaysians believed the allegation when it first became public knowledge in July.

But the survey in Permatang Pauh showed that the percentage of believers had doubled. During the telephone interview, the respondents were asked this question: -Last week Saiful Bukhari Azlan swore on the Quran in a mosque that he was sodomised by Anwar Ibrahim. To what extent do you believe this confession?-

Just under 31 per cent say they believe the confession while 56 per cent say they do not believe it, arguing that it was politically-motivated and that he was forced to do so.

Like several other national surveys, nearly six out of the 10 respondents feel that the sodomy charge against Anwar is politically motivated.

Perhaps of some concern to Anwar"s camp on the eve of a likely victory is the perception among a significant number of Malays that he will sell out the interest of the race as long as he achieves his own political goal.

The respondents were given two statements and asked which one reflected their own view.

Statement 1: Anwar is capable of bringing change that will benefit people regardless of race. Some 56.6 per cent agreed with this statement.

Statement 2: Anwar is willing to sell out the position of the Malays as long as he gets to become the top national leader. Some 37.5 per cent of the Malays agreed with this statement.

Seventy per cent of the voters in Permatang Pauh are Malays. BN officials have focused on this important bank of voters since nomination day on Aug 16, believing that Anwar"s courtship of Chinese and Indian voters and his willingness to re-examine the need for the New Economic Policy leaves him vulnerable to charges of selling out the Malays.


  1. “Man of Honour” won Landslide Victory in P44 Permatang Pauh!

    Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

    A defining moment in Malaysian History was achieved when DSAI won the by-election in Permatang Pauh yesterday with a landslide victory over his opponent just 3 days prior to Parliament presenting it’s 2009 Budget (29 August 2008) and 5 days prior to Malaysians celebrating it’s 51st Anniversary of Merdeka (Liberty Day) on 31st August 2008.

    Sit tight for the next episode on 29 August 2008, the preview to 16 September 2008 when Malaysia celebrates “Freedom Day”.

    More Prophesies at Nostradamus Quatrains on “Wag the Dog” and Nostradamus Quatrains on Malaysia.

  2. Anonymous said...

    Beware & take every possible precautions that Flip Flop BN is already running out of ideas except apart from their Swearing, they will use every dirty tricks under the sun, like faking PKR supporters with imposters to commit crimes in order to tarnish PKR image, spin more lies in the MSM they controlled, probably use the biased Election Commission to switch real Ballot Boxes with pre-filled fake Ballot Boxes & shamelessly to bribe old ladies with welfare money, all elderly Voters take the money, you deserve them, but vote in Anwar for a new Government come September 16, 2008 for a new Malaysia.

    Petrol price cut at the last minutes of Permatang Puah By-Election is now the very sign of Desperation of the Flip Flop PeeM’s Wrong Doing:=KJ Flip Flop’s SIL Advisor of the Sinking Titanic BN PeeM’s last minutes Flop Flop Fuel Price Cut in great desperation to fish some votes from the present fiasco of their failed campaign in Permatang Pauh

    As usual the Flip-Flop and Flip-Flop again and again in desperation to cling on to Power, throw out the rotten Flip-Flop Tyranny come Sept 16, 2008

    Sink the titanic BN once and for all come Sept 16, 2008 in a coup de grace

    Permatang Pauh Voters it is your solemn duty as the foremost agent of change to send the Dirty & Corrupted BN to the bottom of the Ocean, & cleanse Malaysia of the Flip Flop rotten problem once and for all.

  3. Woe to the slanderer and the backbiter.

    BN/UMNO shares another page with the US.
    After 9/11 America legitimised ISA by coercing Congress and Senate to bring the Patriot ACT into law.
    There was a bizarre election scandalette in the poll among competitors for athlete-representatives to the International Olympic Committee. The US tried to ensure victory for its candidate, Julie Foudy, by offering team members a $50 (€34, £27) shopping voucher if they voted.
    Do the above reminds us of a particular party?

    BN/UMNO took things a step further; they accused DSAI of snitching for Uncle Sam of course without a thread of proof. Little did we know, Paul Wolfowitz also accused Anwar Ibrahim of going extremist and swore that Muslim heads of gomen and their foreign ministers sanction some even lobbied George Bush regime to Invade Iraq which culminated war and occupation to this day.
    Mahathir Mohamad Abdullah Badawi along with Husni Mubarak Abdullah of Jordan and a host of wicked men and women said Paul Wolfowitz given America the green light to attack Iraq and Afghanistan. Paul Wolfowitz vouchsafe to reveal all the signatories along with their dossier and secret connivance.

    I would give my all to the first person who dare refute credibly my claims.

    Anwar Ibrahim opposed the invasion both secretly and openly. Anwar Ibrahim is the only recognised Muslim leader along with Nik Azziz and the Malay leadership of PAS to have vehemently oppose and criticized the invasion war and occupation of a Muslim country.

    So who is the real American Agents - and who in the Majlis Tertingi aren't members of the US & UK lodge? The Devil' advocates. Anwar Isn't.
