Thursday, August 28, 2008

Anwar's Victory Is A Vote Against Race Politics

Anwar's Victory Is A Vote Against Race Politics
29 Aug, 2008

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim declared his return with 15,671 majority votes in the recent Permatang Pauh by-election!

His victory in the by-election is within our expectations but the point is, he managed to gain 2,283 votes more than the total majority votes gained by his wife Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail five months ago.

We can make different conclusions from such an outcome.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the result proved that there was no manipulation of democracy. This was only half true as the by-election was a hard battle for BN, leaving no way for BN to manipulate the by-election.

Anwar has easily taken the first step of his return. The next step of his plan is to take over the government come 16 Spetmeber. Is he deliberately mystifying the public or having a ready plan in mind? Let's just wait and see.

"Despite good advice may sound harsh to the ears, we still have to say that this is a victory of anti-racial politics."

As we all know, the Permatang Pauh by-election has significant meanings. Undoubtedly, the result in which scandal-tainted and not perfect but Anwar has been elected with 31,195 votes. There are hidden signals.

Objectively speaking, it was not a clean by-election. We could hear slander and provocative remarks, as well as rumours about corrupt practices everywhere during the by-election campaign. However, it was gratifying that Anwar won the support of the three major races without playing with any racial issue or extreme remark.

Most importantly, Anwar gained massive victory in all Malay, Chinese and Indian areas.

BN should make a self-examination on why it was unable to regain Chinese and Indian votes while further losing Malay votes?

Despite good advice may sound harsh to the ears, we still have to say that this is a victory of anti-racial politics.

During the by-election, provocative religious issues, UiTM's 10% intake for non-Malays dispute and "Chinese only living at Malaysia" theory were harsh to the ears and these issues have triggered anxiety among the people. These proved that many politicians are still championing only the interests of their respective party and race.

Racial politics is a double-edged sword that can hurt others as well as one own self. BN should have learned a lesson from the 8 March general elections and abandon racial politics.

Unfortunately, the setback of the general elections seemed to have only shocked the party but failed to awaken it. The party will meet its doom if it continues with its racial politics practices. (By LIM MUN FAH/ Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE/ Sin Chew Daily)

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