Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Who’s Behind the Drama?

Who’s Behind the Drama?
23 July, 2008


Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad never believed Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi will allow Datuk Seri Najib Razak to take over as Prime Minister.

Even before Abdullah made the hand over announcement in the evening of 10 July, Mahathir had written in his blog that “although Abdullah promises Najib would succeed him by 2010, allegations would be hurled against the deputy PM before then to show up his inability to take over ”.

There was no reaction from UMNO, officially or otherwise. But many in the party saw that as yet another attempt by Mahathir to “force” Najib to take on Abdullah in December party polls.

So what else is new? Well in fact there’s something in the comments made on 7 July that can cause “tremor” of sorts in the party (and the country). If it had not already.

Mahathir was reported to have told newsmen in Kuala Lumpur, “There is a concerted campaign against Najib. I don’t know why. Not just by Anwar ( Ibrahim) but also by this other chap (Malaysia Today editor) Raja Petra (Kamaruddin) and also a number of others”.

He went on to say “somebody” is working behind this, maybe to undermine Najib’s possibility of challenging the Prime Minister ”.

Now, isn’t that something else? He did not name names of course. So that triggered off questions a plenty.

Just who’s that “somebody” that Mahathir was talking about? Was he suggesting there’s a puppeteer or puppet master pulling the strings? A grand chess master moving the pawns, knights, bishops? Is this person in UMNO or outside the party?

And what if the mastermind is within the party? An enemy within. Suspicions would surface sooner or later .Wouldn’t that wreck havoc in UMNO?

Needless to say this could have a devastating effect on UMNO. Considering the seriousness of Mahathir’s allegation or “theory”, it is a wonder UMNO, leaders and members, have not reacted to it thus far.

Perhaps it’s because of the current high political drama in the country, All the allegations, counter allegations, denials, police reports, statutory declarations could have distracted many from Mahathir’s words this time. Perhaps.. But could it also be a case of knowing but not telling? At least not openly, at least for now.

Mohsin Abdullah is Editor in Chief News and Current Affairs ntv7 & 8TV.

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