Saturday, July 5, 2008

A short period of reconciliatory tone

Calm before another showdown?

After a week of slander, lies and double lies, this week should see a short rest for mud-slinging and a time for self-reflection. The viewers and commentators are getting fed-up with the dirty politics and the emotions aroused.

Suspicions of the politicians and the accusations (sodomy, now and 1998, Statutory Declarations, 3rd and 4th July, 2008, etc, etc) created so much emotions, anger, exasperation that people are making their own assumptions.

Now even bloggers are angry (Bloggers getting fed up with dirty politics). Thus I would say for now the sensitive politicians will now be in a reconciliatory tone, at least for now.

However underlying the lies ans slander, the truth is still out there. May the knower be brave enough to come out with the truth.

May Bala, Saiful, the ones who exploded the C4, the ones who provided or took record of the C4, the person/s who erased the immigration entry, those who know the truth, may you be truthful.

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