Monday, July 21, 2008

Nothing 'stupid' about it at all...

Nothing 'stupid' about it at all...
22 July, 2008
ST Low

I totally disagree with Dr Mahathir Moahamd’s statement that the government would not be stupid as to use the same tactic once again: Au contraire, Dr Mahathir, if someone wanted to frame Anwar, they would have used the sodomy angle again.

If I was the plotter, I would have considered accusing Anwar of sodomy. When allegations are repeated enough times, dirt tends to stick. Has Dr M never heard that a lie repeated enough time can come across as the truth?

I believe he has, because he has been using the same tactic by consistently denying that he had anything to do with whatever he stands accused of these days.

Anyway, why is Dr M saying that the government is not so stupid? Is he admitting by default that it was the government that conspired against Anwar last time?

If the government or at some very powerful people were not conspiring against Anwar, perhaps the following questions can be answered by the relevant people.

How many people have been convicted or charged with sodomy over the last 10 years since Anwar was first charged? And in the cases of those who were charged with sodomy, how many of them involved two adults? And in that category, how many were cases where no weapons were used?

Excuse me for pointing out the obvious but isn’t it true that on any given day, it would be easy for the police to catch a sizeable number of adults engaged in the very act that Anwar stands accused of.

If the matter is so serious that massive and very valuable police resources have to be assigned, then why aren’t the police plucking ‘the low-hanging fruits’ and raiding Lorong Haji Taib or wherever else gays congregate these days?

High profile people and especially politicians get accused of all kinds of crimes by their opponents all the time. Just check the Internet. How come the police never spring to action the way they did in this case?

Dr M says that two people came to him last time saying that they had been sodomised by Anwar. Well, in 1999, during the general election campaigning period, a very prominent female politician (someone who had been close to him and a high-ranking member of the party that Dr M’s headed; and who had later crossed over to Anwar’s side) publicly stated at a rally attended by no less than two thousand people that Dr M had had an affair with her sister.

Going by Dr M’s own reasoning, it appears that I should believe this politician.

Anwar’s current case is nothing but a conspiracy and a politically-motivated one. Every single thing that has come to light has only strengthened my belief.

The accuser met the deputy PM before he lodges a report and also apparently before the last alleged sodomy incident took place. It took days the deputy PM to admit to that fact.

Anwar is being denied a copy of the police report – despite it being public knowledge that his accuser ten years ago changed his statements to fit discrepancies that came up. The list goes on.

There is no denying too that it is a risky move to charge Anwar with the same so called crime. Whoever planned this probably knew that a lot of people will think that it is a frame up.

But I am guessing that this person did not have much of a choice. To put it simply; the excreta was about to hit the roof.

A weak PM, an embattled deputy PM, a thwarted son-in-law, a disgruntled ex protégé and an ex-PM who’s about to see his deepest nightmare come true; if this was a fictional whodunit there would be plenty of suspects desperate enough, and yes ‘stupid’ enough, to come up with the idea.

- OD in Malaysiakini

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