Saturday, July 26, 2008

No more demand for DNA???

5 Days and counting

Today is the 5th day where there is no more demand for blood samples for DNA testing. Umno is not demanding for it, the police is not demanding for it. Why is this so?

Is it because it is a ploy that has been exposed? It quite definitely looks that way. If Anwar is not arrested any time soon, it shows that there is no case against Anwar at all! Is this ploy to derail Anwar's reentry into politics or is there something else which even Najib is unaware of? Is there another mastermind to all these debacle? Who is Saiful really working for? Najib? Abdullah? For hinself?

What are the stakes? The Prime Minister post? Winner takes all? Does Abdullah sincerely want Najib to be the Prime Minister in 2010? If not, then there should be some contingency plan to slowly oust him out "naturally". Is this the real intention of the PAS-Umno secret talks? Is the son-in-law involved here?

Could it be Team B? Or C? Ku Li and/or Muhyddin. Both are willing contenders for the top post afterall. They have been pretty quiet recently. Are they quietly building an under current to topple both Abdullah and Najib?

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