Monday, July 28, 2008

Mahfuz admits unity talks deception, blames superiors

KUALA LUMPUR, July 28 — In yet another twist to the hush-hush Malay unity talks, Pas information chief Mahfuz Omar today admitted that he had to lie about the existence of secret meetings between his party and Umno.

In his open letter, the Pokok Sena MP profusely apologised to all Pas members as well as allies in the Pakatan Rakyat for earlier denying that such meetings existed.

"My statement was made not in my personal capacity but as Pas information chief based on the party's directive that I must do what I have done. I'm not blaming the Pas leadership for asking me to do that but it is the fault of a few individuals who failed to give the correct information to the leadership," Mahfuz said in his open letter.

"Their secrecy on certain things pertaining to the meeting with Umno had resulted in the Pas leadership having to take a stand that there was neither a meeting nor negotiations between Pas and Umno.

"I hope these individuals will come forward to give detailed explanation to Pas members and supporters on those meetings including details mentioned by the Umno president recently. They must also be personally responsible for this because it was their personal action," he added, without naming anyone.

Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang had revealed that he was among the Pas leaders who met Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in a series of meetings after the March 8 general elections. Others include deputy Nasharuddin Mat Isa, Terengganu commissioner Datuk Mustafa Ali and Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad.

Mahfuz said he was shocked with the Prime Minister's revelation of the meetings which was later confirmed by Hadi.

"More shocking was when the muzakarah (dialogue) about the importance of Islam and the Malay dominance, as revealed by the Umno president, has turned into a negotiation to bring Pas into a political cooperation with Umno and Barisan Nasional.

"We were not informed of what Umno had revealed; in fact we were told that there were no official meetings and negotiations between the two parties," he said.

He disclosed that he felt the former Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohd Khir Toyo's claim that there was a special four-day negotiation after the recent election was just an individual act which did not involve the entire party.

"Due to the action of certain individuals in the name of Pas and without the knowledge of the central working committee as they did not inform in detail to the party, Pas directed me to issue a denial of such meetings and negotiations," he said.

Admitting his mistake for issuing the denial, Mahfuz said he had received complaints and criticisms for his "lie" from party members and Pakatan Rakyat supporters.

"Therefore, with sincerity, I would like to apologise for my unintentional mistake. I call on the Pas leadership to be honest with members and supporters, and to work towards strengthening the current political coalition (Pakatan).

"I'm prepared to face any criticisms and I'm ready to be punished by members for my unintentional mistake. Please forgive me," he said, ending his open letter.

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