Friday, July 25, 2008

Barisan will be a very good opposition party

Barisan will be a very good opposition party

There is a general perception in Malaysia that MCA and MIC and soon UMNO is getting irrelevant to Malaysians. Less than 0.00001% of Malaysians even mentioned MIC for the last four months. There are also bits and pieces of news regarding MCA, the most recent one being its upcoming party election and who is vying for which post. But nobody seems to care whether the expelled sex scandal politician is making a comeback or not.

The main news seems to be centered around Anwar and Abdullah, Anwar and Najib, Anwar and Saiful, Anwar and the IGP and Attorney-General, Anwar and sodomy and of course RPK and sedition, RPK and Najib, RPK and get the point.

As quickly as we would like to see a change for the better for Malaysia, these earlier Barisan component parties should stay relevant should they later become the opposition component party.

They will be quick to sense a corrupt practice by the new government. They will know the loopholes that the new government might try to use to siphon money from the government coffers into their own pockets. They have the experience required to arrest a wrong doing by the new Pakatan government. All these and much much more will be invaluable to Malaysia and Malaysians as a whole.

They will know what this new government do with the Police, with the Military,
the Judiciary, the Petronas money, the Khazanah "treasure", the oil royalty, the projects awarded in each Malaysian plans,....the list goes on and on.

So let's not make them irrelevant. Their experiance and knowledge is invaluable for the betterment of the country. Then when the Pakatan is getting corrupt or arrogant or racial or incompetent, then we can vote the Barisan back in the next election again.

I sincerely believe in this manner Malaysia can progress much faster than it is now.

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