Thursday, July 31, 2008

Anwar and the elephant in the corner

Anwar and the elephant in the corner
WJS | Jul 30, 08 4:40pm
I refer to the Malaysiakini report Anwar: It confirms plot to frame me.

The new explosive evidence disclosed by Raja Petra has confirmed what 94% of Malaysiakini’s poll respondents have suspected all along – the latest sodomy allegations against Anwar Ibrahim are trumped-up charges as a part of a greater political conspiracy.

How such confidential hospital documents were leaked to the media is beside the point. The hospital in question has not denied the authenticity of the document either (although they might be pressured by the police and other players in this conspiracy to issue a statement in the opposite) and they have in fact confiscated Malaysiakini’s copy of it.

In any ‘vibrant democracy’, such a leak will immediately trigger calls for further investigations and widening the scope of such investigations to identify the players and motives behind both sides of the story.

But instead, here in Bolehland we do things differently, being ‘vibrantly democratic’ as we are.

The police are saying that this new evidence is ‘sabotaging investigations’ instead of treating it as a new lead to extend the investigation.

The Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar, is even more disgusting by calling the police to wrap up their ‘investigations’ as soon as possible rather than expressing dismay at this turn of events and calling for a thorough review of the Anwar sodomy case up to this point.

The rakyat aren’t fools. Despite all the loud thumping and yelling through the government- controlled mainstream media, we can still notice the elephant sitting in the corner of our living rooms.

There is obviously a collusion between Umno and the police to bring down Anwar. The police, perhaps under instructions from the upper echelons of Umno, have also obviously pre-determined the outcome of the case – Anwar must be charged as guilty at any cost, and whatever evidence that might challenge this verdict are mere fabrications to ‘confuse the public’.

Sabotaging investigations? Hardly. Sabotaging a wicked conspiracy? Definitely.

The current political climate in Malaysia leaves a lot to be desired. The optimism of many after the political tsunami of March 8 has quickly degenerated into pessimistic disappointment.

Umno’s rot is eating deeper into the core of our society (with more corruption and racism than ever) and Anwar has proven to be not quite as ‘irrelevant’ as Pak Lah had wishfully thought.

Perhaps our only hope is for the Yang Di Pertuan Agong to state his lack of confidence in the current federal government and exercise his constitutional right to call for fresh elections.

Unlike an actual tsunami, however, a second political tsunami would be something that we’ll be greeting with open arms.

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