Tuesday, June 24, 2008

WHO IS Lt. Kol Aziz Buyong?

Lt. Kol Aziz Buyong, Kor Jurutera, Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia

24 June, 2008

My childhood friend - Dr. Mohd Raffick Khan from Kuala Lumpur -we knew each other when we were in primary school - has done some investigation on Aziz Buyong, the key person mentioned in Raja Petra Kamaruddin’s recent explosive statutory declaration. He says in his blog right2write:

I was informed that Lt. Kol Aziz Buyong, was promoted rapidly by the previous PAT despite not having the minimum requirement of attending Staff College. Apparently, Aziz Buyong is the type of officer that brags a lot. Aziz Buyong is a serving officer with the Engineering Corps (Kor Jurutera). The wife was formerly serving in the PAT office but now is serving in the Minister of Defence Office. Norhayati is also an officer with the Engineering Corp. They have been married quite a while and currently residing somewhere in Jalan Genting Klang.

While it is not fair to accuse couple without any solid evidence but the fact that the Norhayati works with the Defence Minister Office and is reportedly, known to Rosmah makes people wonder whether there is any truth in it.

According to my friend who is working with the Engineering Corp in Mindef, the Engineering Corp has access to Plastic Explosives like C4. It is a controlled item. This creates some shivers in my spine after being told about this. According to my friend, Lt Kol Aziz Buyong was last seen in Sabah on assignment last Wednesday (18/6/0 and has not return to office since then.

Thanks to blogs, more and more information are being revealed and I don’t know if we are closer to the truth or not. But we sure are getting more juicy bits everyday.

Read his blog for more of this.

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