Friday, June 27, 2008

Teenage Sexuality

Teenage Sexuality

Sexuality education is to impart knowledge about human sexuality which is all about who we are as male and female, to inculcate right values and positive attitudes towards sexuality and to influence teenagers' behaviour so as to build responsible relationships.

Tips for Parents

1. Encourage your children to speak up and ask questions.
2. Start with more general topics or subjects using newspaper, books, TV shows, magazines etc.
3. Set the right tone and keep an open mind.
4. Be attentive in listening.
5. Be sensitive to and considerate towards your children's feelings
6. Do not be critical.
7. Do not use scare tactics.
8. Do not treat sexuality education as shameful.
9. Do not be defensive. If you do not know the answer, tell your children that you would try to find out from health provider e.g. doctor.
10. Communicate love with your teens.

Tips for Teenagers

1. Sexual feelings are normal but acting on them can result in unpleasant consequences.
2. Do not have casual sex.
3. Do not risk yourself for unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
4. Get help from your parents or adults if you are confused.
5. You can always get answers confidentially from doctors.
6. Communicate love with your parents. Different teenagers speak different love languages. Let your parents know your needs and discover your love language.
7. Approach your parents at a good time to discuss your sexuality e.g. while having meals together.
8. You may not find the right answer from the media or peers. Get helps from your parents or adults.
9. When discussing sexuality issues with your parents, do not argue.
10. If your parents nag or start to lecture, remind them gently not to do so.

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