Monday, June 23, 2008

Intimidation and Bullying Tactics

Why didn't the SAPP MPs go to the Dewan today to table the eagerly awaited motion of no-confidence? Intimidation? Backing out?

Both SAPP MPs not in Dewan Rakyat today

23 June, 2008

The members of Parliament from the Sabah Progressive Party members of Parliament are not in the Dewan Rakyat today.

The party's Sepanggar member Datuk Eric Enchin Majimbun, when contacted at 11.35am today, said he would not going to the Dewan Rakyat.

"I have a meeting with Datuk Yong and after that I have to attend a relative's funeral. I will not be coming today," he said when contacted by phone.

Eric said he did not know if Datuk Chua Soon Bui (Tawau) would attend the meeting later in the afternoon. Chua could not be reached by phone.

Both MPs’ presence in the House was highly anticipated as they were expected to vote against the government today.

SAPP leader Datuk Yong Teck Lee had vowed to move a motion of no confidence against the government last Wednesday and the party's supreme Council had endorsed it.

However, talk in parliament this morning centred around both when Chua and Eric were not spotted in the Dewan Rakyat.

During the 90-minute question time, their absence was felt as their seats remained vacant.

Though both could not table any motions today, they could have registered their party's displeasure by voting against the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister, Datuk Shahrir Samad's motion on inflation.

Shahrir is currently tabling the motion.

The debate will start shortly.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Intimidation and Bullying Tactics
(SAPP Blog)

Events in the last 24 hours have taken a disturbing turn. Among others, we have received reports that of intimidating and bullying tactics:

1. Several illegal banners instigating unspecified actions against the Tawau MP Datuk Dr. Chua Soon Bui appeared overnight in Tawau,

2. A demonstration at the office of the Tawau MP will be held on Tuesday, June 24, which was originally to be held after the last Friday prayers.

3. At an UMNO gathering of several hundred in Kota Kinabalu on Sunday, aggressive words touching on racial incitement were used,

4. Short Message Services (sms) and unidentified phone calls implying threats to the two MPs and their aides,

In view of this disturbing turn of events, SAPP has taken extra caution for the safety of the MPs by calling them back to the party HQ in Kota Kinabalu for consultations on the next course of action, including the safety of their persons and families and the security of their offices.

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